mesothelioma and asbestos Biogarphy
Mesothelioma is type of cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Asbestos was being used in the construction industry for a long time due to its fire resistant characteristic and cheap cost. A major problem started arising when the asbestos particles inhaled by people started to threaten their lives. Mesothelioma is a killer disease caused mostly by exposure to asbestos. A number of people have succumbed to mesothelioma since the early 1800s, because back then, no one knew it was caused by asbestos exposure. Shortness of breath due to pleural effusion is a very common symptom of mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is the development of malignant cells in the mesothelium, which is a protective covering of all the internal organs. Mesothelioma usually affects the pleura of the lungs but can also occur in the peritoneum and the pericardium. Diagnosing a person with mesothelioma is a bit tricky although CT scans and X-rays of the chest would come in handy. Mesothelioma was quiet common in miners and factory workers who were working in asbestos mines and mills. But dust from asbestos could even enter a person’s windpipe who wasn’t working in asbestos mines and mills and do its deed.
History of Mesothelioma LawsuitsIt was back in 1929 that the first ever law suit was filed against an asbestos manufacturer and the claim was settled. But the mesothelioma lawyer who dealt the case agreed not to deal with more of such cases and stuck to their part of the bargain. Law suits have been in courthouses in every part of the United States for ages now and billions of dollars have been awarded as compensation to those unlucky few who contracted the killer disease. Treatment of mesothelioma hasn’t been proved to be a cure even though it has extended the survival time of those doomed souls.
The United Kingdom banned the use of brown and blue asbestos back in 1985 and the use of chrysotile asbestos was banned in 1999. Mostly all the developed countries have banned the use of asbestos because it has posed such a big threat to the health of the human race. People who are affected with mesothelioma get a pretty good chance of suing those responsible for exposing them to the deadly asbestos dust. This asbestos dust is common in junkyards, old ship yards and construction material manufacturing units. Inhaling asbestos dust is more than enough to ruin a person’s health and life.
Between 1940 and 1979 an astounding 27.5 million people were exposed to asbestos, which is the main cause of them living their nightmare with mesothelioma. Those millions of people have been filing mesothelioma lawsuits against those responsible for their exposure to the killer asbestos dust and have been receiving handsome settlement sums from the companies responsible for their ailments and deaths of their loved ones. Even the Kent brand of cigarettes used asbestos in their filters way back in the 1950s, which added to the death toll of mesothelioma patients, which also resulted in millions of dollars in legal settlements.
Mesothelioma Legal Cases Currently
Over two thousand new mesothelioma cases a year are diagnosed. Mesothelioma affects men more than women. Being exposed to asbestos can affect the risk of developing malignant mesothelioma. A tissue called the mesothelium, lines your lungs, heart, stomach and other organs. Mesothelioma is the cancer disease that affects the mesothelium. It most often starts in the lungs and shows up decades after being initially affected by it or breathing it in.
Mesothelioma legal cases have been on the rise in recent years due to a larger number of workers reaching retirement age after having put in decades of work, some of which may have been exposed to asbestos in the workplace. It can take in some cases up to 50 years for mesothelioma to manifest itself, the norm is usually two or three decades.
Working with Asbestos
Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. Many industries are affected, from insulation to automotive and including some home products. Many shipyards and manufacturing plant workers were likely exposed to asbestos at one time or another during their career.
Treatment Options for MesotheliomaA variety of factors will affect which treatment is used, including where the mesothelioma is located, what stage the cancer is in, the age of the patient, and the overall health of the patient. The normal options of treatment for cancer include chemo, surgery and radiation. Often these three treatments are grouped together in a treatment protocol that may involve a couple of stages and rounds of one or two of these, interrupted by a surgery. Clinical trials are also available and always ongoing and there are exciting new ideas being tested every day. Just in 2012 an innovative new approach was used to treat leukemia in a 12 year old girl by using a non-infectious version of HIV that destroyed all the cancer cells and cured her 100%.
Signs of Malignant Mesothelioma
If you being to experience some of the following symptoms, they could be indications of malignant mesothelioma or some other type of lung condition. With mesothelioma you will experience shortness of breath. There may also be pains around or under your rib cage. An oncologist, lung specialist or mesothelioma doctor can help with your diagnosis if you experience any of the following:
Shortness of breath and breathing difficulty
Pains coming from what seems like in, around or under the rib cage
Pains or swelling in the stomach or abdomen area
Lumps in the stomach or abdomen area
Significant drop in weight that can not be explaine
Asbestos use became popular in the United States during the early 1900s. It was used in hundreds of applications for its strong insulating properties, as well as its fire and corrosion resistance. In addition, it was plentiful and inexpensive to mine - which translated into abundant profit for asbestos companies. Its primary uses included insulation for pipes, gaskets, protective clothing, nautical insulation, auto brake pads, and as insulative material for buildings.
However, evidence has existed for almost a century that linked asbestos exposure to respiratory illnesses. The first documented asbestos related death was in 1906, when an asbestos worker's autopsy revealed the case of death to be lung fibrosis. By the 1920s and 1930s, doctors had a good understanding of the hazards of asbestos exposure.
Around this same time, the asbestos industry began to take steps to protect their businesses. Asbestos trade associations were formed that funded scientific studies to prove that asbestos was safe. However, these studies backfired on the asbestos companies, as scientists found that asbestos was a highly toxic material. Their tests on laboratory animals showed that asbestos exposure could cause respiratory illness as well as cancer.
Instead of going public with the results and ceasing production, the asbestos companies instead chose to cover it up. The results of the studies were altered or destroyed to prevent profit losses. In addition, the indsutry then set about keeping the studies from reaching the public while continuing to sell cancer-causing asbestos. The asbestos industry even went so far as to buy out companies manufacturing non-asbestos based insulation to fuel their own profits. Eventually, through the efforts of some the scientists involved in the original studies, the government was warned of the risks of asbestos and began a campaign to stop its' use
mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013
mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

mesothelioma and asbestos Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013
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