mesothelioma lawyers Biogarphy
Throughout the world, including here in Wisconsin, mesothelioma is caused by asbestos exposure. Often, asbestos workers were not adequately warned that their exposure to asbestos could result in this type of deadly cancer that affects the mesothelium layer surrounding internal organs. Therefore, the manufacturer, distributor, supplier or installer of asbestos materials may be legally responsible for the damages incurred by mesothelioma patients and their families. Since the prognosis is poor and only 10% of mesothelioma patients survive five or more years post diagnosis the damages may be significant.When to File a Wisconsin Mesothelioma Lawsuit
Mesothelioma victims or their survivors have three years from the date they discovered, or should have discovered that they have mesothelioma to file a lawsuit. While it can take decades after asbestos exposure for mesothelioma to develop, many mesothelioma victims find it important to file their lawsuits as soon as possible after they are diagnosed so that they can do everything possible to secure their families financial future while they are still able to do so.
The first step in filing a lawsuit is to contact a Wisconsin mesothelioma lawyer for a free, no obligation consultation. Your attorney will review your work history, medical history and other facts pertinent to your case and advise you on your legal options. You may have the right to sue the manufacturers, distributors, suppliers and / or installers of asbestos materials for your injuries. A mesothelioma lawsuit usually alleges that one or more of these parties had a duty to warn you about the dangers of asbestos, failed to provide you with adequate warnings and that, as a result you developed mesothelioma and you are entitled to damages.
Your Milwaukee mesothelioma attorney will zealously represent you and provide compassionate counsel to you and your family during every stage of your case. As experienced Wisconsin Mesothelioma lawyers, the attorneys of Pasternak & Zirgibel will provide you with counsel.
Mesothelioma Victims may Recover Damages
The amount of damages that you may recover depends on the facts of your individual case. When discussing a settlement offer or making a case to a jury, your attorney will fight for damages for past and future medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering and other damages related to your disease.
Contact Pasternak & Zirgibel – Experienced Wisconsin Mesothelioma Lawyers
Mesothelioma cases are often complicated and as a result there are few experienced Wisconsin mesothelioma attorneys. The attorneys of Pasternak & Zirgibel are concerned about the effects of mesothelioma on both the patient and the entire family. We will zealously advocate for your legal and financial recovery while being considerate and mindful of your physical and emotional needs.
Our firm of Wisconsin mesothelioma lawyers represents clients throughout the state of Wisconsin including in Milwaukee and the surrounding areas such as Cudahy, West Allis, West Milwaukee, South Milwaukee, Whitefish Bay, Wauwatosa, Shorewood, Franklin, Glendale, Greendale, Greenfield, Oak Creek, Washington County, Racine County, Waukesha County, Jefferson County and Ozaukee County.
We invite you to call us at (262) 785-0802 or to fill out our online contact form. We would be pleased to provide you with a free, no obligation consultation at your convenience. Each Wisconsin mesothelioma attorney in our firm is committed to representing those who have been harmed by mesothelioma and we will not collect a fee unless you recover damages.
Did you know that Mesothelioma has no known cure? Mesothelioma also can causes severe pain and suffering for those who are affected. Often times those who are affected by Asbestos are unable to work for a period of time, which can result in a loss of income. Did you know that New Jersey has one of the highest number of mesothelioma cases in the entire United States?
The costs to treat mesothelioma are incredibly high, and many families are forced to empty out their savings just to afford treatment. Mesothelioma can cause serious financial debt for the families who are affected. But there hope! In many states you can receive financial compensation for the pain and suffering mesothelioma has caused you. How do you get this help? The best way to get financial compensation is to hire an experienced asbestos lawyer. When hiring an asbestos lawyer, it is important to consider the following:
What can result from exposure to asbestos? There are a number of health risks that come from long term exposure to asbestos. The most common form is called Pleural Mesothelioma. Pleural Mesothelioma comes from over exposure to the asbestos fibers, and becomes a serious problem when they get stuck in the pleural lining of the lung.
Less common issues include Peritoneal Mesothelioma, Pericardial Mesothelioma and Lung Cancer. If you or someone that you know is having health problems following an encounter with asbestos, please do not hesitate to contact legal help today. If you need legal representation for an asbestos related case, you have come to the right place. Browse our list of asbestos lawyers in New Jersey right now. You can read reviews, comments, and ratings of lawyers in New Jersey who specialize in mesothelioma related cases.
that this illness has been preventable for several decades and can point out the negligence on the part of the defendant in a court of law that will help assure you receive the funds to support the person who is ill and the family members as well.How this type of lawsuit worksWhen you meet with your mesothelioma lawyer you will be asked questions in support of your case. You will be asked to provide medical records that show the illness is present and you will be asked about your history that shows where the exposure to asbestos occurred. Once that information is provided, your active part in the case ends. You can leave the rest to your lawyer to handle so you can get back to the business of dealing with the doctor appointments and treatments.
There are different approaches to these types of cases among the more than 600,000 litigants who file lawsuits against 6,000 plus defendants. The costs for filing, prosecuting and resolving these cases amount to more than $200 Billion so far. One approach addresses Primary Asbestos Exposure for the individuals who have had direct exposure to products containing asbestos or while working in facilities that manufacture these products. The other approach is referred to as Secondary Asbestos Exposure which occurs in shared workspace that has asbestos in it (factories, office, schools, etc.) or contact with a spouse who was exposed to asbestos
The mesothelioma lawyers at the Simmons Law Firm represent victims of mesothelioma cancer throughout the United States including the state of Minnesota. We have represented thousands of families affected by mesothelioma and asbestos-related cancer and have seen the suffering it causes firsthand. The Simmons Law Firm is dedicated to giving our clients the respect and attention they deserve, no matter where they live.If you or someone you love has mesothelioma, we will come to you. Over the past decade, we’ve represented many clients throughout Minnesota, including families from the following locations:
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