what is mesothelioma lawyer Biogarphy
Source(google.com.pk)Contrada & Associates is the only law firm in Northwest Ohio that handles Mesothelioma claims. We have been the only law firm in Northwest Ohio handling Mesothelioma claims for over 20 years and one of only a handful of cases handling Mesothelioma law throughout Ohio.
Meeting your attorney for the first time can be intimidating, especially if you or your loved one is already in the stressful situation of being diagnosed with Mesothelioma in Toledo and Northwest Ohio. However, you will feel at ease and ensure a more productive initial consultation if you come prepared.Contrada & Associates has handled numerous Mesothelioma cases and if you are house bound, do not hesitate to call as we will be happy to come to your home to meet with you.What to bring to a first meeting with a mesothelioma lawyerA bit of preparation for your first meeting with your Mesothelioma attorney in Toledo can help you save time, stress, and money in the long run. When you make an appointment with our Toledo Mesothelioma law firm for an initial consultation, it is always a good idea to ask the attorney what documents to bringSome of the things to bring to your meeting include the following items:
Work history: Part of the preparation of any Mesothelioma claim is establishing a work history where you would have been exposed to asbestos products.
If you are involved in home improvement products: It is important to establish the year because many products that went into the home contained asbestos.
Auto repair: Auto repair, particularly brakes and clutches, contained massive amounts of asbestos. Establishing the years that you did these particular car repairs is important in establishing your case.
Pathology reports: Generally, Mesothelioma is diagnosed by pathology, which means that a tissue sample was tested with certain chemicals to determine if you have Mesothelioma. If you can bring a copy of the pathology report that establishes that you have Mesothelioma, it is extremely important.
Doctors’ reports: Again, this information will help the attorney plan the case in terms of the financial and physical burdens that the opposing party’s negligence has caused you.
Questions to ask your Toledo mesothelioma lawyers
Do not refrain from asking questions during your first meeting with your attorney. Everything you discuss is confidential, so you can be assured that any concerns you express about your case will not be repeated outside the office.
How many asbestos mesothelioma cases have you handled in Toledo?
Are you located in Ohio or Toledo?
Will I be able to come to your office or you come to my home when the need arises?
How many years have you been a practicing Toledo asbestos lawyer?
You should also inquire about fees. Contrada & Associates charges a contingency fee, meaning that they do not charge a fee unless you win.
Mesothelioma is a rare and deadly form of cancer that most often attacks the lungs. To date, asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma.
Asbestos manufacturers knew about the dangers of their product as early as the 1940s, but they chose to do nothing to warn the general public, or even their own workers. Only after the federal government initiated an investigation in the late 1970s did these corporations admit that asbestos caused cancer. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and think you may have a case, call the attorneys of Allen & Allen today for a free consultation at 866-388-1307.
The personal injury law firm of Allen & Allen handled one of the first asbestos cases in the Virginia over three decades ago. Asbestos makers argued that the 2 year statute of limitations barred our client from bringing a claim since his last exposure to asbestos occurred in 1972. Our client was not diagnosed with mesothelioma until 1978, and brought his claim shortly thereafter. Asbestos manufacturers won this argument at the trial court level, but the firm fought all the way to the Virginia Supreme Court to rectify this injustice, ultimately winning an excellent result for our client and paving the way for other asbestos victims to pursue claims.
Mesothelioma can take years and even decades to appear after asbestos exposure, so these cases can pose unique challenges. By the time most claims are brought, many asbestos companies have changed their names, gone out of business entirely, or have been swallowed by larger corporations. Simply locating the party responsible for your injuries can be a lengthy and expensive process. Your Mesothelioma Case
In order to recover from the responsible party once they are located, you must establish when and where you were exposed to asbestos. This requires us to locate witnesses to give testimony about events that occurred decades ago. You will also need medical experts to trace your exposure to asbestos to the onset of mesothelioma. Allen & Allen has experience in mesothelioma litigation in Virginia and we can help you navigate these complex legal issues and maximize your recovery. We also understand that it is important to minimize the stress to you and your family after you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma. We will handle your case with compassion and dedication.Initial consultations are free of charge, and you do not owe us a fee unless we win your case.Choose a Virginia law firm with proven results in personal injury cases. We have eight office locations throughout Virginia in Richmond, Chesterfield, Mechanicsville, Short Pump, Petersburg, Charlottesville, Fredericksburg and Garrisonville.
The terms Lawyer, Attorney, Barrister and Solicitor are terms that are often confused but one needs to be aware of the subtle differences that are there between them. However, Attorney and Lawyer are the most common terms. Below, we will try to give clarity to some of these terms and then subsequently give what we think are vital issues to look at when one is looking for a good attorney or lawyer especially when one suffers such a sickness like Mesothelioma. A sickness that causes cancer and other sicknesses mostly resulting from asbestos related causes. You need to be aware.
In case of a legal case, a good choice of a mesothelioma trial lawyer is critical. The Mesothelioma lawyer should be able to know the dangers resulting from the exposure to asbestos. The Mesothelioma lawyer should be ready to work tirelessly to defend the rights of those who are affected by the asbestos-related diseases of which mesothelioma is a leading cause. A key point to note is to find out if the lawyers have won any cases and what is their position in fighting for you to cover your medical bills and holding accountable those responsible.
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