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Source( United States government did not start tracking mesothelioma as a unique cause of death until 1999, hence statistical results earlier than 1999 include some conjecture. Below please find up-to-date information concerning Mesothelioma and asbestos-related diagnoses, mortality, treatment, exposure, and lawsuits. We will assist and encourage you to learn about your mesothelioma diagnosis, treatment and prognosis, each of which is vital to the success of your treatment planning and legal course of action.
Compared to women, men are five times more likely to be diagnosed with mesothelioma.
Every year, more than 10,000 people throughout the world are diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases.
In the United States approximately 2,000 to 3,000 cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year.
Smokers exposed to asbestos are 90% more likely to develop mesothelioma than non-smokers who come in contact with asbestos.
Currently, 75% of mesothelioma victims are over 65 years old.
Mesothelioma may not show symptoms, or remain dormant in the body for 15 to 50 years before being detected
Mesothelioma diagnoses in patients aged 20-30 are increasing.
Worldwide, mesothelioma occurs in approximately 9 out of every 1 million people.
Each year, the incidence rate of mesothelioma diagnoses is approximately 1 in every 106,571 Americans.
The number of male mesothelioma diagnoses between 2003 and 2054 is expected to reach 71,000.
Mesothelioma Mortality
In 1999 researchers determined more than one-third of mesothelioma fatalities were persons who resided in California, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio and New York.
10% of those diagnosed with mesothelioma live 5 years or longer
Average survival time after mesothelioma diagnosis is one year.
Scientists estimate by the year 2030 asbestos will have caused 60,000 instances of mesothelioma and around 250,000 other asbestos-related cancers that result in death.
The mesothelioma death rate for asbestos insulation workers is 344 times as great as the general population.
Most mesothelioma victims succumb to the disease within 18 months of the diagnosis.
More than 7,500 mesothelioma related fatalities occurred in the United States between 1999 and 2001.
Mesothelioma Treatment
Mesothelioma treatment is prohibitively expensive, and often requires outside financial support. Treatment may cost between $400,000 and $800,000.
Mesothelioma Lawsuits
More than 500,000 asbestos exposure / mesothelioma lawsuits have been filed in the United States.
Asbestos Exposure
It is estimated 125 million workers through out the world are exposed to asbestos on the job.
1.3 million workers in the construction industry are exposed to dangerous levels of asbestos each year.
8 million people in the United States have been exposed to asbestos.
It is estimated more than 110,000 schools in the United States still contain some form of asbestos.
45% of men with mesothelioma have had a history of asbestos exposure and 53% have had a history of occupational asbestos exposure.
It is estimated 100,000 to 300,000 teachers have potentially been exposed to airborne asbestos.
In one study of 1,664 asbestos factory employees and their families, five household members died of diseases related to indirect (secondary) asbestos exposure.
Asbestosis MortalityAsbestosis-related fatalities increased from 77 deaths in 1986 to 1,493 deaths in 2000.
Contact MyMesoRights Today for a FREE Consultation
If you or a loved on has recently been diagnosed with mesothelioma or an asbestos-related disease, you owe to yourself to explore your rights by arranging a FREE consultation with one of our knowledgeable professionals. Obtaining treatment, as well as the emotional and financial support you and your family need, is possible. Take the first step toward justice and learn about your options
Mesothelioma, also referred to as “asbestos cancer,” is a complex disease that has been in the public eye since the 1920s. Once considered an industrial disease, it affected thousands of mill workers, shipwrights, sailors, soldiers, and mechanics. Today it continues to take a toll on a second generation of victims, including plumbers, electricians, contractors, mechanics and carpenters as well as homeowners who are coming into contact with deadly asbestos during demolition or remodeling projects.
When trying to understand mesothelioma, its history, and what is being done to combat it, it’s helpful to break this complex issue down into cold hard facts.
History of Mesothelioma
Company documentation as far back as the 1920s reveal concerns about the link between asbestos and mesothelioma.
In 1964, the first mesothelioma case conclusively linked to asbestos exposure was documented.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued an asbestos ban and phase out order in 1989, almost a decade after requesting documentation from companies that manufactured asbestos products concerning the safety of their wares.
The Libby Mine in Montana was shut down in 1990. The vermiculite asbestos mined there was thought to be responsible for a large number of mesothelioma cases in the United States. The mine has been designated a superfund site.To date, there have been over 174 clinical trials for mesothelioma conducted trying to find a way to better diagnose, prevent and treat asbestos related disease.
Chemotherapy is the most common form of treatment for mesothelioma; surgery is second.
Cisplatin and pemetrexed (Alimta) are the most common chemotherapy drugs involved in treating mesothelioma.
Radiation usually follows surgical procedures and can be administered five days a week for several weeks.
Side effects of treatment are often worse than the symptoms of the disease.
Radical new therapies (gene therapy, immunotherapy, multi-drug therapies) are currently in experimental stage but there remains no cure. Mesothelioma is an ugly disease made uglier by the fact that it’s preventable. Asbestos exposure, either knowingly or accidentally, is the cause of this deadly disease. Mesothelioma patients have legal rights and can seek reparations from the companies who produced and used these toxic products. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed, contact one of our expert mesothelioma attorneys today at 1-800-440-4262.
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