mesothelioma law firm Biogarphy
Source( person who has suffered health problems caused by asbestos exposure may be able to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party, typically the asbestos manufacturer. Our California mesothelioma lawyers have the resources to thoroughly investigate our clients' claims in order to determine what party or parties should be brought to justice, and we seek maximum compensation in every lawsuit we handle.Mesothelioma Treatment
The treatment options for a mesothelioma patient will vary depending on the location of the cancer and how far it has progressed. Often, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or a combination of these three standard treatments will be used, though there is currently no cure for this rare form of cancer. Some patients may also choose to participate in clinical trials, in which new treatments are tested for efficacy.Symptoms of Mesothelioma
One of the reasons mesothelioma is difficult to diagnose is the fact that its symptoms often mimic other illnesses, usually far less serious conditions. These also may not arise for decades after initial exposure to asbestos. The milder symptoms may include chest pain, shortness of breath, unexplained weight loss, coughing up blood and fatigue. Those who have mesothelioma in its later stages may suffer from ascites (fluid in the abdomen), abdominal tumors, blood clots, loss of bowel function and jaundice. Those who have a history of asbestos exposure are advised to watch carefully for these symptoms and to seek medical attention immediately if they arise.Types of Mesothelioma
There are three main types of mesothelioma: pleural, peritoneal and pericardial. Pleural mesothelioma affects the pleura, the lining of the lungs. This is the most common type of mesothelioma, accounting for approximately 75% of diagnoses. Peritoneal mesothelioma affects the peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity and organs. Pericardial mesothelioma affects the pericardium, the heart sac. Mesothelioma may also affect the lining of the testis or the omentum, a sheet of fatty tissue that hangs over the stomach and intestine.Veterans' Resource Center
Former members of the U.S. Armed Forces are at a particularly high risk of developing mesothelioma or other asbestos-related conditions, due to the widespread use of asbestos materials in the military. Exposure was most likely to occur in service men and women who served from World War II through the end of the Vietnam War, but exposure may still occur today in older military structures and vessels and overseas. Our lawyers fight for veterans in California, seeking the compensation and/or benefits they deserve.Mesothelioma FAQ
Understanding what mesothelioma is and how asbestos exposure is involved can be difficult, particularly when you factor in taking legal action for asbestos-related health problems. You can find answers to your common questions about mesothelioma by visiting our frequently asked questions page, or can schedule a free case review with one of our legal professionals to get answers that apply to your individual situation.If you were exposed to asbestos and are experiencing health problems, or if a loved one has a history of asbestos exposure and has been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma or any similar medical condition, talk to a mesothelioma lawyer at our Los Angeles or Orange County law offices. We represent mesothelioma patients across the state and throughout the country and are prepared to answer your questions and address your concerns so you can make the right choices about your case. You may be able to file a workers' compensation or VA claim or may have grounds for an injury or wrongful death lawsuit against the asbestos manufacturer or other at-fault party. We can help you take the right approach.Make no mistake; you may have a long and difficult road ahead. Our team is here to help you seek compensation when you and your family need it most. Contact a California mesothelioma lawyer today.
atten, Wornom, Hatten and Diamonstein is a dynamic Newport News, Virginia law firm with a national reputation as pioneers and champions of the rights of asbestos victims. Since 1975, this firm has won landmark decisions, dozens of jury verdicts and thousands of settlements for mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer victims against negligent asbestos product manufacturers. Read more about our firm successes in our Firm News Section.
Robert R. (Bobby) Hatten is the firm's manager and lead trial lawyer with a talented and experienced team of seven fulltime asbestos trial lawyers. Bobby's jury victories for mesothelioma victims were in the top 10 multi-million dollar verdicts of the year for 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011-the only Virginia lawyer to have top ten verdicts for all six consecutive years. His peers in the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association and Virginia Lawyers Weekly have designated Bobby as a "Courageous Advocate for the Rights of Asbestos Victims" and a "Leader of the Law". Bobby has also been named as the "Norfolk Personal Injury Litigation Lawyer of the Year" for 2012 by Best Lawyers, the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.
Patten, Wornom, Hatten and Diamonstein is nationally recognized for their leadership in fighting for the rights of mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis victims. View our Asbestos Litigation Record to learn more about our firm's history in handling mesothelioma claims. If you have a mesothelioma claim, contact our attorneys today for a Free Case Evaluation.
Mesothelioma is a rare malignancy which affects the thin membranes that line the cavities in the thorax and abdomen region.Occasionally even the internal organs in our body like the gastro-intestinal tract can become targeted by mesothelioma cancer.Some symptoms of Mesothelioma cancer are
Shortness of breath,
Pain in the sides of the chest or lower back,
Weight loss.
Most of the mesothelioma cases are associated to asbestos exposure. Even irregular or low levels of asbestos exposure can result in this dreadful disease
.Asbestos comprises of a group of fibrous silicate minerals which occur naturally and have exceptional heat-resistant and high tensile properties. Due to its outstanding chemical and physical properties, asbestos has found use in umpteen products since a very long time.
Around the 20th century, asbestos saw immense usage in products related to thermal insulation, textiles, cement, ropes, gaskets, brakes, floor tiles, wallboard, fireproof clothing, and many other goods.Asbestos fibers are invisible, odorless, tasteless, and also indestructible, and hence many people continue to unknowingly become exposed to this hazardous material. Asbestos exposure takes years to show its dangerous effects and this condition can continue to haunt new victims and their families every year.
Although the ill effects of asbestos inhalation were known, its manufacturers failed to caution, train or protect their workers. This is when the Baltimore Mesothelioma attorneys’ help does become very handy. These attorneys help individuals that are already affected or make sure that the disease doesn't show up in others.
A mesothelioma attorney knows best to protect his/her client’s rights as well as the rights of the client’s loved ones. He/she will represent the rights of his/her client who has become a mesothelioma victim due to asbestos exposure in the work place. There are several ways to resolve the asbestos related claims and many factors need to be taken into consideration before handling a mesothelioma related law suit.
The Baltimore mesothelioma attorneys are apt in determining where the responsibility lies. They are well versed in examining the case and in pursuing a judicious course of action. A mesothelioma attorney will need the client’s medical records to evaluate the entire case. He makes a deep study of the client’s medical history and other facts like his/her asbestos exposure and even the symptoms. All this is carried out thoroughly to help the client substantiate his/her claims.
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