Attorneys and lawyers Biogarphy
Source( more information, see Mary Greene at the Women's Legal History website.
Mary Greene was unusual among the early women lawyers in her dedication to scholarly writing, lecturing and teaching rather than to active practice. This may have been due in part to her rather frail health.
Her biography was well-told, probably in her own words, in WOMAN OF THE CENTURY (quoted in next three paragraphs):
"GREENE, Miss Mary A., lawyer, born in Warwick, R. I, 14th June, 1857. She is a lineal descendant of Roger Williams, and also of John Greene, the founder of the famous Greene family of Rhode Island, prominent in the military and civic affairs of the State and the nation. Her Revolutionary ancestor, Colonel Christopher Greene, the gallant defender of Red Bank on the Delaware, was a cousin of General Nathaniel Greene. Miss Greene began the study of law in 1885, in order to be able to manage her own business affairs and to assist other women to do the same. She took the full course of three years in the Boston University Law School, graduating in 1888 with the degree of Bachelor of Laws, magna cum laude, being the third woman to graduate from the school. She was at once admitted to the Suffolk bar, in Boston, becoming thus the second woman member of the Massachusetts bar. After practicing eighteen months in Boston, she returned to her native State. She now resides in Providence, where she is engaged in the work of writing and lecturing upon legal topics."
"Always frail in constitution, Miss Greene found herself unable to endure the strain of court practice, although she was successful in that line of work. For that reason she has never applied for admission to the Rhode Island bar, her standing at the Boston bar being sufficient for the kind of work she is at present doing. She is a regular lecturer upon business law for women in Lasell Seminary, Auburn-bale, Mass., the first girls' school to give systematic instruction in principles of law. Among her literary productions are a translation from the French of Dr. Louis Frank's essay, "The Woman Lawyer," which appeared in the Chicago "Law Times," and the original articles: "Privileged Communications in the Suits between Husband and Wife," in the "American Law Review" ; "The Right of American Women to Vote and Hold Public Office," in the Boston "Evening Traveller"; "A Woman Lawyer," and a series of articles upon "Practical Points of Every-Day Law," in the " Chautauquan." Miss Greene is firmly impressed with the importance to all women of a practical knowledge of the principals of business law, and in all her professional work she endeavors to educate her hearers and readers in those most necessary matters. As a public speaker she is very successful. She always speaks without notes and with great fluency and felicity."
"At the fortieth anniversary of the first woman's rights convention, celebrated in Boston in January, 1891, Miss Greene was invited to speak for "Women in Law" as the representative of that profession. She is not, however, identified in any way with the woman suffrage movement, possessing, as she does, that spirit of conservatism mingled with independence which has always characterized the people of Rhode Island. She believes that her mission is to educate women to an intelligent use of the rights they possess, and that to others may be left the work of demanding further rights for her sex."
During the eighteen months she practiced in Boston, Mary Greene was a partner with Lelia Robinson, and in a letter to the Equity club wrote about their founding of a Portia Club, where the women lawyers and law students met at a hotel for dinner and discussion. Men were not invited except for the meeting celebrating the marriage of Lelia Robinson in 1890. DRACHMAN, WOMEN LAWYERS, supra at 186-87 (Mary Greene letter of 1890). Greene also wrote lively, opinionated letters in 1887, 51-53, 1888, 97-99 and 1889, 163-65.
On her legal writing, see Kathryn Johnson, “A Pioneer Woman”: The Scholar and Lawyer, (2006) available at WLH website. Greene’s article on the validity of contracts made between husband and wife grew out of a bill she presented to the Massachusetts legislature, according to Lelia Robinson, writing on Greene in Women Lawyers of the United States, 2 Green Bag 10 at 14. Out of this experience, Greene wrote an article entitled Privileged Communications Between Husband and Wife, 24 AM. L. REV. 779 (1890), which she and others claimed was the first article to be published by a woman in the prestigious Review. But actually Martha Strictland, a Michigan lawyer had earlier written The Common Law and Statutory Right of Woman to Office, 17 AM. L. REV. 670 (1883) about women becoming lawyers. Foltz was only the third woman to publish in the American Review in its thirty year history; Clara Foltz, Public Defenders, 31 AM. L. REV. 393 (1897).
Though she was not a suffragist, Greene was a “woman’s rights woman” (as Clara Foltz called herself). Her entire career was spent working for women’s equality in business and professional life. Moreover, Greene was not against votes for women, but she thought the claim exaggerated that suffrage was the key to all other reforms, and objected generally to the more sweeping demands of the suffragists. She wrote of her disagreement with the “methods” of the suffragists to Louis Frank in 1895 quoted in MOSSMAN, THE FIRST WOMEN LAWYERS at 61. (Greene was the translator of Frank’s article on women lawyers at 3 Chicago Law Times, 74, 120, 253, and 382 (1889). In her book, THE WOMAN’S MANUAL OF LAW (1902), Greene advised against lobbying for legislation by appealing to “sentiment” and instead said reform came about when “any existing law is shown to be inconvenient to business men, or unjust in some individual case” at 67.
For Greene’s speech at the Congress of Jurisprudence and Law Reform, see On-Line Bibliographic Note: Women at the World’s Fair.
Belva Lockwood
For more information, see Belva Lockwood at the Women's Legal History website.
Jill Norgen, BELVA LOCKWOOD: THE WOMAN WHO WOULD BE PRESIDENT (2007) is a definitive work. It relates Lockwood’s effort to join the Court of Claims where she was refused admission, because “immemorial usages… forbid such a far-reaching change.” In re Belva A. Lockwood (Ct. of Cl. May 11, 1874), reprinted in 21 CENTRAL L.J. 254 (1874). Next she went to the United States Supreme Court, thinking she would become a member of that Bar, and then bring an original action against the Court of Claims, but her petition was denied without opinion. Belva Lockwood, My Efforts to Become a Lawyer, LIPPINCOTT’S MONTHLY MAG. (Feb. 1888), reprinted in 1 WOMEN IN AMERICAN LAW 259 (Marlene Stein Wortman ed., 1985). Finally she obtained passage of a bill making women eligible to join the bar of all federal courts. Act of Feb. 15, 1879, ch. 81, 20 Stat. 292. The main proponent of the bill was the pro-suffrage Senator from California, Aaron Sargent, whose wife, Ellen Clark Sargent, was an early suffrage leader in the state. 3 HWS, 108-10, at n.6. Lockwood became the first woman to take advantage of the bill and joined the Supreme Court Bar. Clara Foltz interacted with Lockwood in 1884 when Lockwood ran for President (told in Chapter Two), in 1890 when they both attended the Woman’s National Liberal Union Convention (told in Chapters Six and Seven), and in 1893 at the World’s Fair (told in Chapter Five).
Arabella (Belle) Mansfield
For more information, see Arabella (Belle) Mansfield at the Women's Legal History website.
Mansfield was from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, the town where Foltz had her abbreviated girlhood and only formal schooling. Teresa Federer, Belle A. Mansfield: Opening the Way for Others, at WLH Website, is an excellent paper setting the scene in Mt. Pleasant, and mapping out Mansfield’s effort to become a lawyer. Though Margaret Brent in Maryland is sometimes said to be the first woman lawyer, Mansfield was the first through regular study and bar admission. Federer describes at 27-28, her arguments for admission in the face of a statute that restricted bar membership to white males. In his opinion, the District Judge said that whenever any “restrictive words did a manifest injustice to individuals, the court was justified in construing statutes as extending to others not expressly included in them.” Transcript of Record, Book H at 54-55 (held in District Court in Henry County, Iowa, during the June Term, 2nd Day, Tuesday, June 15, 1869). Jordan Bradwell has an excellent section on Mansfield. Ada M. Bittenbender, Woman in Law, in WOMAN’S WORK IN AMERICA (Annie Nathan Meyer ed., 1891) has story of Mansfield’s acceptance in face of express words of the statute. She quotes Mansfield as saying that an expansive reading should be given the phrase “white male persons” whenever injustice would result. See also, INEZ HAYES IRWIN, ANGELS AND AMAZONS: A HUNDRED YEARS OF AMERICAN WOMEN 172 (1933).
Mansfield may have practiced occasionally with her brother, also a lawyer, but her main work was as a college professor at Iowa Weslyan and later at DePauw University. She and Clara Foltz crossed paths at least once, at the first nationwide meeting of women lawyers described in Chapter Five.
Marilla Ricker
For more information, see Marilla Ricker at the Women's Legal History website.
Marilla Ricker was an apprentice to Belva Lockwood in Washington D.C. and joined the Bar there in 1882. She went on to be a U.S. Commissioner and Examiner in Chancery, a quasi judicial position. NORGREN, BELVA LOCKWOOD, at 91-92. Ricker also became in 1884 the first woman lawyer in New Hampshire where she practiced part of the year. Ricker was also the first woman Notary Public in the Federal system. On her efforts to achieve this position, see Dorothy Thomas, 3 NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN (Marilla Ricker entry); Mrs. Marilla Ricker in A WOMAN OF THE CENTURY; Marilla M. Ricker, 1 LAW STUDENT’S HELPER 304 (1893), available at WLH Website; Lee Ann Richey, Reading Between the Lines: Marilla Ricker in the Struggle for Women's Rights (2002), at WLH Website; WOMEN WITHOUT SUPERSTITION: NO GODS—NO MASTERS; THE COLLECTED WRITING OF WOMEN FREETHINKERS OF THE NINETEENTH AND TWENTIETH CENTURIES (Annie Laurie Gaylor ed., 1997) (Ricker entry). This is the first book collecting the writings of women activists who were also leaders in free thought. Excellent short biographies precede the selected writings of fifty women, including famous ones like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Margaret Sanger, and less well known ones today like Matilda Gage and Voltairine de Cleyre, both of whom were at the Woman’s National Liberal Union convention in 1890, which Foltz also attended. See Chapter Six. Ricker is the only lawyer in the book.
Robert Ingersoll was Ricker’s mentor and hero. Ingersoll was the most famous American free thinker, an indefatigable lecturer and author. Though free-thought and the clash of religion and science were his main subjects, he also spoke on women’s rights, civil rights for freedmen, and literary and historical subjects. He was by far the most successful and famous of the nineteenth century orators, and it was said that before the radio and moving pictures he had been heard and seen by more Americans than any other lecturer. FRANK SMITH, ROBERT G. INGERSOLL: A LIFE (1990). In the 1880s, Ingersoll was defense counsel in a huge prosecution of alleged fraud in the management of mail delivery routes in the far west, known as the Star routes. Marilla Ricker assisted him. Accounts of her role in the Star Route trial vary widely. Some refer to her as Ingersoll’s “assistant counsel.” NOTABLE AMERICAN WOMEN, supra. Others say she “represented” one of the defendants. LAW STUDENT’S HELPER, supra. Still another says she “achieved national prominence through her work as an investigating attorney.” See Susan Martel, Suffragist Marilla Ricker, PREMIER 38 (May 1995).
Ricker’s very definite and unusual personality comes through the nineteenth century “pen-pictures.” Ingersoll was said to have referred to her as “the most sensible woman he had ever known,” quoted in A Woman Candidate, Marilla M. Ricker Seeks the Republican Nomination for Governor, 42, 44 in GRANITE MONTHLY: A N. HAMPSHIRE MAG. 163 (June 1910). As noted in Chapter Seven, Ricker’s practice in criminal defense and prison law was very like the aspects of Foltz’s practice that contributed to her public defender idea. The two met in San Jose when they were on the same suffrage platform in 1888, and perhaps also in Washington D.C in 1890 when Foltz attended the Woman’s National Liberal Union convention, discussed in Chapter Six.
Lelia Robinson
For more information, see Lelia Robinson at the Women's Legal History website.
Lelia Robinson was the first woman lawyer in Massachusetts and the first to graduate from Boston University Law School, finishing fourth in her class. When she was turned down by the trial court for admission to the Bar, Robinson took her own case to a higher court, arguing that the Supreme Court in Bradwell had left it to each state to decide the qualifications of its lawyers. The Court refused her admission, suggesting that women’s bar admission would lead inexorably to suffrage. Lelia J. Robinson’s Case, 131 Mass. 376 (1881) (discussed in Drachman, Sisters-in-Law, at 27-37). See Douglas Lamar Jones, Lelia J. Robinson’s Case and the Entry of Women into the Legal Profession in Massachusetts, in THE HISTORY OF THE LAW IN MASSACHUSETTS: THE SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT, 1692-1992, at 241-74 (Russell K. Osgood ed., 1992). Robinson’s letters to a correspondence club of women lawyers, the Equity Club, describing her early practice and her time in Washington Territory are both interesting and lively. Drachman, Women Lawyers, at 63-67 (1887 letter on her early practice) 117-27 (western experience, biography with other sources at 257-62). Robinson published an account of her experience in Women Jurors, 1 CHI. L. TIMES 22, a journal edited by a fellow woman lawyer, Catherine Waite of Chicago.
Robinson wrote two successful texts for lay people. LAW MADE EASY: A BOOK FOR THE PEOPLE (1886) and THE LAW OF HUSBAND AND WIFE (1889). For other work on her, see Mary Greene, Mrs. Lelia Robinson Sawtelle-First Woman Lawyer of Massachusetts, 7 WOMAN’S L.J. 51 (1890). Two very informative papers are available on the WLH website with many citations: Sarah Killingsworth, Lelia Robinson (1997) and Mary Nicol, Lelia Robinson: a Second Look (1998).
Robinson made the first systematic effort to survey women lawyers in the United States and published it in a popular magazine for lawyers, THE GREEN . See 2 GREEN BAG 10 (1890). See my description of its importance and content in Making History: Lelia Robinson's Index to American Women Lawyers introducing a reprint of Robinson’s article in the modern version of the Green Bag, From the Bag, 2 GREEN BAG (1998). Clara Foltz is mentioned, but not commented on extensively, probably as happened with the Equity Correspondence club because she was too hard pressed to respond to Robinson’s request for information about her practice. Laura Gordon, Marilla Ricker, and others are pictured and covered in some detail.
After nearly a decade as a law professor, Gary Rowe joined GMSR in 2011. He brings a deep knowledge of the law, the ability to find the big picture amid a wealth of detail, and a flair for writing to bear on difficult appellate issues.
Gary received an A.B. in history, summa cum laude, from Harvard College. There he won a Henry Fellowship, and so he went abroad, to Oxford University, where he earned an M.Stud. in Modern History and the Sara Norton prize for an outstanding historical essay. His next stop was law school, where he was the Notes Editor of the Yale Law Journal, an extern and research assistant for the Hon. A. Leon Higginbotham on the Third Circuit, and the winner of the Edgar Cullen Prize for the best paper by a first year student.
Gary then went to work, first as a lawyer at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, next as a federal law clerk for the Hon. William A. Norris on the Ninth Circuit, and then as a regulatory policy maker in the Clinton White House, serving as Special Assistant to the Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory. After training as a legal historian at Princeton, Gary settled into the academic life, teaching primarily at the UCLA School of Law, as well as at the University of Texas and Southwestern law schools. As a law professor from 2001 to 2010, he taught courses in federal courts, civil procedure, constitutional law, and legal history. In the classroom, Gary sought to situate the material of his courses in its historical context, to emphasize how law invariably requires one to choose between competing theories and normative values, and to illustrate the extent to which mesmerizing, value-laden issues are frequently embedded in seemingly dry, technical matters.
Gary lives in South Pasadena with his wife and son, where he is active as PTA Parliamentarian and with Friends of the Rialto Theatre, a historical preservation organization.
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