Lung cancer mesothelioma Biogarphy
Source( history: During the past century, New England was Epicenter for shipbuilding site. During World War II, during the production of naval vessels reached one per week in the big shipyards in New England and New York. To protect ships from fire and to insulate against the cold, asbestos mess is sprayed freely. Once dried, the mess would flake and dust will be suspended in the air. No protective clothing was worn out. Many of the Navy staff, developed mesothelioma, which later would describe the "cloud of dust", which formed when the guns are working on warships.
Asbestos is also often used to insulate home heaters, showed even more people. Asbestos continued to be used in the production, and even today is not prohibited in the U.S. It was not until 1986 that the health risks of asbestos were addressed and the U.S. Agency for Environmental Protection was given authority to regulate asbestos production, use, distribution in commerce and disposal.
Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) has a long latency period. Patients may develop the disease within 45 years after exposure to asbestos. The large number of shipbuilders and seamen living in New England, in combination with its cold climate, led to unusually high levels of exposure to asbestos in the region during the middle of last century. This contributed to a high incidence of mesothelioma in Boston over the past two decades.
Types of mesothelioma
Benign mesothelioma
Malignant mesothelioma
Pleural mesothelioma
Peritoneal mesothelioma
Pericardial mesothelioma
Cellular types
In early 1980, doctors at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) began to see and treat patients with mesothelioma. At that time, obtaining accurate diagnosis pathological proved an obstacle for treatment, since surgery is different for different tumors. Therefore, pathologists at BWH developed ways unlike other similar histologically mesothelioma tumours and other pleural diseases and soon became the main centre for analysis of referral tumor tissue.
This time options for treatment of surgery (especially extrapleural pneumonectomy, or EPP, which includes the removal of the lung, together with its pavements and related coverings of the heart and diaphragm), chemotherapy and radiation were given only disappointing. Although the EPP surgery offers maximum tumor removal, the technique has been associated with high mortality and few long-term survivors. In 1988, David J Sugarbaker, MD, was Thai in the creation of a separate section of thoracic surgery at BWH to focus on general thoracic diseases. After he became chief, the hospital experience with the EPP and mesothelioma increase dramatically.
Parallel to the development of the division of surgical experience, medical and radiation oncologists were made in BWI-I/DFCI knowledge and building on their experience. As a result, additional treatment advances have been made, especially in multimodality approaches, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatments that have reduced the expected rate of mortality from the disease. At the same time, the presence of specimens of a relatively large number of cases of this rare disease allow basic scientists to learn more about its biology.
Over the past 18 years, Brigham and Women's Hospital Division of thoracic surgery develop a leading center for treating patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. Today, thoracic faculty consists of 12 members, 10 of which are regularly visit doctors.
Separation of multimodality treatment approach and the growing number of patients seeking help make possible the development of the International Programme mesothelioma. Formally founded in 2002, the program includes epidemiologists, medical and surgical oncologists, occupational health and environmental specialists, pathologists, statisticians and doctors aimed at finding a treatment for mesothelioma. This team is a larger version of the exclusive panel of scientific advisory board members who have provided important guidance and expertise of the program as it is grown.
Since 2002 the program has expanded significantly. The number of patients seeking help have increased by 142 new confirmed cases mesothelioma in 2005. More than half of the programme of the patients come from outside New England. The growth of the program included more research through clinical trials and testing of tissue samples from a large number of patients, mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. In this disease, malignant cells develop in the mesothelium, a protective lining that covers most of the internal organs of the body. Its most common site is the pleura (lining outside of the lungs and chest cavity), but it may occur in the peritoneum (lining of the abdominal cavity) or the pericardium (a street in which surrounds the heart).
Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles, or they were exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways, for example by washing clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos. Unlike lung cancer, there is no link between smoking and mesothelioma.
Symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath because of pleural effusion (fluid between the lung and chest wall), or pain in the chest wall, and common symptoms such as weight loss. The diagnosis can be made with rengen and CT scan and confirmed by biopsy (tissue sample) and microscopic examination. A thoracoscopy (inserting a tube with a camera in the chest) can be used to biopsies. It allows the introduction of substances such as talc to obliterate of pleural space (called pleurodesis), which prevents the accumulation of fluids and more pressing lung. Regardless of treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy and sometimes surgery, the disease carries poor prognosis. Tests for screening tests for early detection of mesothelioma in progress.
Brooklyn Navy Yard - History of 1900 - present
In the first 20 years of age, employees in the Brooklyn Navy Yard is working on design and construction of the Monitor Connecticut, a steam-16000 tons, powered by Bismarck, who once started in 1906 on became a leader of the Great White Fleet , Flotiliya of 16 battleships sent worldwide on tour designed by Theodore Roosevelt. Intended to demonstrate the height of naval technology achieved by the United States military, the mission of the Great White Fleet took one years to complete, taking into account 14000 - sailor crew on tour, which covered 43000 miles visiting 20 ports in 6 continents.
After the establishment of the working stations in Brooklyn Navy Yard left commandant meets a large work force, World War I began, increasing demand for production of naval vessels and creates a need for more shipyard workers. At that time, the beginning of 1914 on the number of shipyard workers in the Brooklyn Navy Yard more than doubled from 8000 to over 18000. After the First World War, in the Brooklyn Navy Yard experienced in a short period of political instability during which time the official scope of power held by the commandant was changed and reorganized before D. President Franklin Roosevelt in 1935 on, reasserted the power of Order ¹ 9, making commandant responsible for both military and industrial aspects of the Brooklyn Navy yard.
In 1941, the Japanese sunk one of the Brooklyn Navy Yard finest vessels to Monitor Arizona lost during the attack on Pearl Harbor. After this event, provocative, the United States formally committed itself in World War II. During the war, the Navy of the United States employed a number of naval warships built in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, including the famous Missouri on which any Japanese signed their unconditional surrender of the United States.
Back to the mainland United States, from the time of World War II era brought with the greatest boom in shipbuilding. Like most shipyards of its type and size, the Brooklyn Navy Yard is his company during World War II, when military efforts and related requirements for equipment, rations, ammunition and naval vessels created a surge in many sectors the economy. During those years, the Brooklyn Navy Shipyard employed more than 70000 workers and operates 24 hours a day. At that time, many workers employed in the Brooklyn Navy Yard are women, with this great boom in demand for marine vessels built an astonishing number of ships and the United States naval fleet. At least 10 large vessels were completed during these 6 years, 5 of which are large aircraft carriers. To facilitate this large with the participation of industry, workers built a giant crane in the Brooklyn Navy yard. Crane called Hammerhead, this machine was grand biggest crane in the world at the moment, looming above Pier G in Brooklyn Navy yard.
Some years later, with the increase in demand for ships, created by Korean War, workers in the Brooklyn Navy Yard built 3 aircraft "supercarriers, 'Monitor called Constellation, independence and Saratoga, respectively. During the active service, a tragic fire Monitor outbreak of Constellation and killed 50 seamen. Six years after that catastrophic losses, Secretary of Defense closed more than 90 military bases throughout the country. One of these bases is Brooklyn Navy yard. A year later, the Government of the United States sold the entire property of the city of New York, which eventually will begin a project to renovate and develop the property, make it a valuable industrial site, with more than 40 buildings, 200 tenants and a total of 3000 employees.
Many companies, when faced with serious numbers of asbestos-related matters, responding by setting up trust funds of plaintiffs eligible for compensation for injuries after they maintain asbestos exposure. For some companies, it is vital to their existence, and is part of their settlements in bankruptcy. However, many people have to wait until
After the recent storms in Kansas and the Ministry of Health has issued a total media warning to remind residents of storm-damaged areas asbestos exposure that is the ability to be guarded against until the cleaning of waste. Asbestos is a common element of building materials until 1980, because of its high resistance fire
History of asbestos-related mesothelioma
Joseph Lieutaud is credited with describing the two probable cases of mesothelioma in a study of the 3000 autopsy, and E. Wagner recognized the disease as a pathological entity in 1870. However the presence of malignant mesothelioma as a separate clinical entity was discussed until 1960. Case reports of the most dynamically developing lung cancer, other than regular lung cancer were reported before 1960. Malignant mesothelioma became well-recognized clinical entity, soon after the publication of Wagner and others in South Africa, which is regarded as a first mesothelioma.
They reported 33 cases of mesothelioma occurred in persons aged between 31 and 68 years in South Africa mining community. Addition to this book was published later and added 14 more cases of mesothelioma. The report showed increased incidence of mesothelioma, even in those who had no occupational exposure, but living in the vicinity of the facility that processes asbestos. Some of these patients who have developed mesothelioma occupational exposure to asbestos. Others have significant exposure to asbestos by virtue of its proximity to asbestos mines and mills. Most of these patients have lived life in the same community and were exposed to asbestos from childhood. This was only the beginning. This report soon after many reports of mesothelioma related to asbestos exposure from various parts of the world.
Oncologist: medicine or surgeon who specialized in the treatment of cancer. Medical oncologists usually treat patients with chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and biological therapy, radiation oncologists treat cancer with radiation therapy and surgical oncologists treat patients with surgery. See cancer of the conditions for more terms associated with cancer.
After diagnosis, it is important to understand your treatment options. Your doctor or oncologist will provide you with information on the treatments that are available to you.
It is also important to know about your legal rights. If you have mesothelioma, or any other asbestos-related disease, you were most likely exposed to asbestos. Many of the manufacturers of asbestos insulation products knew for decades that asbestos was hazardous, yet made a business decision not to warn people of those hazards. As a result, you may have a right of recovery against those manufacturers, which can help defray the costs of treatment and provide compensation for your pain and suffering.
For information on the legal implications of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related
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Lung cancer mesothelioma Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lung cancer mesothelioma Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013
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