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Source( patients can rightly live with hope in the early stages. Medicine is urgently focusing on finding more effective means of treating this deadly disease. But dealing with advanced mesothelioma often requires even greater strength and more sources of support.
f you are in stage 4 of mesothelioma, your doctor has most likely advised you to gather your loved ones and professional resources around you to help you through this final and most difficult time. But no one can tell you the precise amount of time you will live.
Lung cancer life expectancy
Some medical professionals will give you a range of times for lung cancer life expectancy. But there is tremendous variation in the times that real people survive. Most will not because it is so unpredictable. How long you will survive can depend on many different factors, and no one knows the truth about all of them for you. This is the time, when you're dealing with advanced mesothelioma cancer, that you and your family will want to treasure each day you have together as much as possible. And why it's so important to have a care team that believes in relieving you of as much pain as possible during palliative care.Stages of lung cancer
If you suspect your have lung cancer, it's important to find out all you can about the stages of lung cancer. And if you think you ever exposed to asbestos—on the job, in areas where you've lived, or from a family member who may have brought asbestos fibers home on clothing—you'll want to find out as soon as possible whether your disease is mesothelioma. If your doctor has already given you a mesothelioma diagnosis, your first step is to find out what stage you are in.
Read more on our site about cancer center lung treatments. And if your lung cancer is mesothelioma, please be sure to visit The Legal Process on this site for information about your right to pursue compensation by filing an asbestos law suit. You will find answers to many of your questions. And we are happy to talk with you by telephone. Our attorneys are all experienced in helping people receive compensation. Call us 24/7 at 800.443.6353.
With Action for Mesothelioma Day taking place this Friday, 5 July, I wanted to discuss how lung cancer can also be attributed to asbestos. Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of lung cancer attributed to asbestos exposure, however, asbestos exposure can also cause an individual to suffer other forms of lung cancer.
When visiting your GP for chest or breathing problem they will almost always enquire about your smoking history. If the patient says they have smoked and are diagnosed with lung cancer, then more often than not it’s attributed to smoking. I believe a large number of individuals who have been diagnosed with lung cancer may have been exposed to asbestos, but why is this important?
For outsiders looking in the exact cause of lung cancer may not be vital, after all, the individual and their family will have far greater things to worry about. The exact cause of the lung cancer isn’t going to cure the individual or bring them back but knowing the cause could entitle them or their family to financial security.
Essentially if someone has been exposed to asbestos, regardless of whether they’ve smoked, and have been diagnosed with lung cancer, there is a strong possibility that asbestos may have played its part meaning compensation may be available.
With Action for Mesothelioma Day taking place on Friday 5 July I think it’s vital that GPs recognise that mesothelioma isn’t the only form of lung cancer caused by asbestos exposure and should delve a little deeper into an individual’s work history. When a family member dies it can leave others out of pocket and struggling to pay the bills, and the exact cause of their death may entitle them to financial support.
If you or a member of your family have been diagnosed with lung cancer and suspect asbestos is to blame contact Simon Ellis for free, no obligation, advice.
The common consensus is that in 1767, Joseph Lieutaud, while conducting a study of 3,000 autopsies, was probably the first to recognize two cases of pleural tumors. Lieutaud believed that postmortem analysis held the key to understanding both normal anatomy and pathology, and so he looked for the correlation between the patients’ symptoms recorded during their lives and the physical lesions found on their corpses.
The published report of those autopsies describe a boy who suffered from shortness of breath following a trauma, whose autopsy showed fleshy masses attached to his pleura.
Malignant Mesothelioma Cancer becomes Identified as a Unique Disease
However, malignant mesothelioma cancer didn’t gain recognition as a pathological entity until 1870 when E. Wagner described it as a primary malignancy of the pleura when it was discovered in a 69 year old female patient; he also made note of the tumor-filled lymph channels, giving rise to the idea that the tumor originated in the endothelium of the lymph vessels. In fact, the idea was so popular that the disease was named endothelioma.
The name hung on until 1931, when Paul Klemperer and Coleman Rabin published their study of five cases of the disease found in patients from Mount Sinai Hospital. These researchers believed the disease originated in the mesothelium, or lining, of the pleura and that the name should be changed to mesothelioma, as some other clinicians had already suggested.
The Cause of Malignant Mesothelioma Cancer is a Recent Discovery
The question as to the cause of malignant mesothelioma cancer wasn’t answered until 1960 when a study titled Diffuse pleural mesothelioma and asbestos exposure in the Northwestern Cape Province was published in the British Journal of Industrial Medicine. Lead Researcher J.C. Wagner and his colleagues studied 33 cases of mesothelioma that developed in residents between the ages of 31 and 68 years old in a mining community in Cape Province, South Africa. Some of these residents had occupational exposure to asbestos; however, the majority of them had substantial exposure because of their proximity to asbestos mines. The findings of this study were questioned by some pathologists because only four of the cases had autopsies. The remaining cases had pleural biopsies, which were not felt to be reliable when making a diagnosis of mesothelioma. But the study did inspire other researchers to examine the link between asbestos exposure and malignant mesothelioma cancer.
The U.S. Government Takes Steps to Protect Workers from Malignant Mesothelioma Cancer
However, in spite of the agency’s efforts and the Environmental Protection Agency’s ban on asbestos product, exposure still continues in a number of industries. In addition, because mesothelioma is latent for 20 to 40 years, deaths from this disease will continue into the future.
Since the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Scandinavia, asbestos fibers have been used in building materials and cloth. Pliny, a Roman scholar, realized that illnesses were being caused by asbestos. He found it in the fireproof clothing of slaves. Asbestos use declined in the Middle Ages, though it is rumored that Charlemagne used asbestos tablecloths. Asbestos began to be used again in the 1700’s, but it did not become popular again until the 1800’s, during the Industrial Revolution.
The first case of mesothelioma is believed to have been discovered by Joseph Lieutaud, the personal physician to King Louis XVI in 1767. Although it wasn’t called ‘mesothelioma’ then, the symptoms that Lieutaud wrote about follow those of malignant pleural mesothelioma. As of 1896, doctors were able to link asbestos with the this rare form of respiratory and lung cancer. From 1916-1919 doctors began seeing that people were dying unnaturally young. These people were citizens of coal mining towns and experienced trouble breathing because of their exposure to asbestos. mining asbestos ore
The first patent using asbestos was issued in the United States in 1828. Since then, asbestos has been used to build office buildings, homes, and other things that people come in daily contact with. Even though the health risks are known, companies continue to use asbestos materials.
As more asbestos ridden materials are used, the higher risk that people have of coming into contact with it and obtaining a form of mesothelioma. There was a short ten year ban on all uses of asbestos from 1979-1989. Companies were claiming that the ban was causing them hardships in finding other materials to build and insulate with. What companies were not taking into account was the hardships that their employees may face later on down the road.
In the years following, there was a stronger force in asbestos laws. Laws were tightened so that the asbestos was tested and standards were increased for approval. However, despite the tightening of laws concerning asbestos, it was still a threat to the health of civilians. On September 11, 2001, as both the World Trade Center Towers collapsed there was an astronomical amount of asbestos fibers released into the New York City air.OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA
Knowing that they put many of their employees at risk, companies have been allowed to set up trust funds for those who come forward and claim their asbestos exposure on the companies. At this point in time, there are many trust funds set up, on both the private and governmental level.
There is somewhere close to 40 billion dollars that have been set aside to help compensate for mesothelioma patients and other illnesses caused by asbestos. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you are probably eligible for some compensation.
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