Tennessee injury attorneys Biogarphy
Source(google.com.pk)Despite strict federal regulations to protect the public, truck drivers and their employers do not always act responsibly. Fatigued, under pressure to make deliveries, or simply careless, commercial haulers cause thousands of truck accidents every year. For those in the other vehicle, the outcome is often devastating.
Injured in a Truck Crash? Free Consultation at 615-809-0023.
If you suffered serious injury in a tractor-trailer accident, or a family member was killed, contact the Murfreesboro law firm of Waldron, Fann & Parsley. We offer aggressive, knowledgeable representation to get the full compensation you deserve. We take cases in Rutherford County and throughout Middle Tennessee.
Determining the Cause of Truck Accidents
Tractor-trailers, dump trucks and other big rigs are well-insured. To collect damages, however, we must prove that the truck driver or trucking company was to blame. Our trial lawyers often work as a team to build a case. We visit the scene to gather evidence and get witness statements. We make sure the vehicles are inspected and hire accident reconstructionists as necessary.
Liability falls into three categories:
Truck driver negligence: speeding or tailgating, illegal traffic maneuvers, changing lanes or pulling out without looking, fatigue and inattention
Trucking violations: driving too many hours without rest (and falsifying log books to hide the fact), overweight trucks, failure to inspect and maintain the 18-wheeler
Negligent hiring: hiring unlicensed or unqualified truckers, failing to train drivers, or failing to check the criminal and driving history of applicants
We work hard to prove that any or all of these contributed to the crash. We know that victims of truck accidents offer a disproportionate rate of spinal injuries, head injuries, broken bones and fatalities. We aim for full and fair compensation to cover the medical bills and lost earnings, including damages for a permanently disabling injury.
Contact attorneys who know truck accidents. We have obtained substantial results for clients. We make home and hospital visits and we take no attorney fees unless we are successful in securing damages. Call 615-809-0023.
Over the years, I’ve advised hundreds of clients in regards to issues that arise after a serious injury – or afterbeing injured at work.
And while helping my clients, I’ve answered thousands of questions about those issues.
So I thought…. why not provide those questions…and the answers right here, so you can stop searching the Internet.
Here’s how to find the answers to your questions:
One, look over to the right. You’ll see a search box. Just type in your question and press search. Every page that applies to that question will then be presented for you to review.
We’ve been following the story of a fatal hit-and-run accident in Music Row for nearly a year now. When we first discussed the tragic incident it was late last year when an accused couple was pleading ‘not guilty’ to taking the lives of two pedestrians in a drunk driving accident. The year before they were leaving a Christmas party; the young woman handed her keys to her boyfriend, but the truth is they were both way too intoxicated to be driving.
The driver lost control of the car and hit two young men, cutting their lives short. The drunk driver fled the scene but later turned himself in to authorities. We discussed the story again when a memorial was being held on the anniversary of the death of the two young men. We revisit the story once again but hopefully there’s a bit of finality now that the drunk driver has finally been sentenced. Unfortunately though, it seems that the victim’s family may not be satisfied with the court’s decision.
The driver pleaded guilty to reduced charges of “vehicular homicide by reckless conduct and leaving the scene of a death.” Now the young driver will only be facing one year in jail followed by nine years of probation. This ‘light’ sentence isn’t sitting well with a family that has to live the rest of their lives without someone they love.
It’s believed the sentence is light because the DUI driver was a first time offender. According to one of the victim’s mother, “The first offense killed [her son]. Why do they need another chance to kill someone else? If a drunk driver hurts someone, or kills someone – first offense or not – it should be very strong punishment.” It’s just so heartbreaking to see a family not feel the sense of justice they absolutely deserve.
Nashville Wrongful Death Attorneys
When you lose someone you love due to the negligence of another you deserve justice. A successful wrongful death lawsuit can not only get you the money you need so your family isn’t burdened by the financial stress that comes with a fatal accident, it can help give you that sense of justice as well.
Let the Nashville wrongful death lawyers at Mitch Grissim & Associates help you through this incredibly tough time. Contact us today for a free review of your wrongful death claim.
Source. WSMV.com, ‘http://www.wsmv.com/story/22419923/driver-in-music-row-double-fatal-dui-to-serve-1-year-in-jail,’ Nancy Amons, May 24, 2013.
Tags: 37206, 37207, 37208, 37209, 37210, drunk driving accident, dui lawsuit, justice, killed in Nashville, nashville drunk driving, Nashville wrongful death lawsuit, sentenced, surviving family, wrongful death attorneys, wrongful death claim
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Can Mock Crashes Make a Difference in Curbing Real Accidents? | Nashville Wrongful Death Lawyers
Friday, April 5th, 2013
We’ve spent a significant amount of time in the past discussing the dangers and consequences of texting while driving. Teens are the most common offenders, making them the likeliest to lose their lives in an accident caused by driving and texting. Educating teens is the key to curbing this dangerous habit, but there’s only so much that words can do.
You can warn them, you can tell them true stories, you can explain all the horrible consequences, but will the message truly sink in? Seeing it with their own eyes may be what makes the difference because having the grim reality right in front of them makes the dangers undeniable.
Texting and driving takes lives in Middle Tennessee, and schools are trying to do something about it.
That is what prevention programs in Middle Tennessee are hoping to accomplish by staging mock crashes at area high schools. Students at Greenbrier High School recently got to see a mock crash in full swing. The crash came complete with a story of a teenager who smashed into another car while texting and driving and took the life of one of his friends. It was a made up scenario but definitely one that has been all too real for teens across Middle Tennessee.
The mock crash included mangled cars and emergency crews accompanied by a medical helicopter as they responded to the ‘wreck.’ Greenbrier students got an up-close and unflinching view of the aftermath of a fatal accident.
Robertson, Dickson, and Wilson counties have a high number of teens that are injured in traffic accidents, so they have been specifically targeted by prevention programs like the ‘Be in the Zone; Turn Off Your Phone’ campaign. More events are planned for Greenbrier throughout the year and more mock crashes will be taking place at other Middle Tennessee schools.
Wrongful Death Lawyers Nashville
Losing a loved one in accident is one the most difficult events a family will ever have to go through. You may be heartbroken and emotionally drained, but if the accident was caused by someone else’s negligence you shouldn’t be financially burdened, as well.
Let the Nashville wrongful death lawyers at Mitch Grissim & Associates handle the details of your case, so you can focus on being with your family. Get the closure your family deserves and contact us today for a free case review.
If you have been injured in a serious accident in Dallas, you may be entitled to recover financial compensation for your medical bills, lost income and pain, suffering and emotional distress. Similarly, you could be entitled to monetary damages for the wrongful death of a loved one. The question which determines whether you have grounds to file a personal injury claim is, "Who is responsible for causing the accident?" In the event that the other party is to blame, a Dallas personal injury lawyer from the Mathur Law Offices, P.C. may be able to help you recover the compensation you deserve. Our firm was founded in 1995, and we have a proven track record of success in fighting for accident victims and their families.
Seek our help as early as possible after the accident, so that we can provide you with a case evaluation and determine how much your claim for compensation may be worth. It is crucial that you avoid discussing the situation with anyone from the insurance company, for the simple reason that they are not on your side. No matter how friendly the insurance adjuster or claims representative may seem, you must remember that he or she has a goal which is the direct opposite to yours. The insurance company wants to pay you as little as possible - or even nothing - and they will use any available excuse to minimize or deny your claim for damages. Don't take chances with the outcome of your case by attempting to settle the claim on your own. Level the playing field and maximize your chances of a successful outcome by hiring us to advocate on your behalfThis morning I met with a new potential client about her car accident case. The potential client had consulted with another attorney before meeting with me. The other attorney had suggested filing suit immediately. I suggested that we make an attempt to try to resolve her case presuit with putting together a presuit demand for the insurance company. She asked, “What is presuit and a presuit demand?” The other attorney didn’t discuss this process with her. Presuit is an important function of the personal injury case. Presuit offers both parties the opportunity to investigate and discuss a claim without certain time constraints and rules of the formal litigation or in-suit process. I believe that a presuit demand is extremely important and I am going to briefly explain three reasons why.
First, presuit is important because it provides time for the attorney to conduct discovery on their own case. Conducting discovery, which is obtaining facts and evidence about your case, provides the attorney and the client with a complete picture of the client’s medical and economic damages. Presuit allows for time to conduct a thorough chronology of the client’s medical history centered around the current accident/injury. Understanding your client’s medical history and the treatment for the current accident help the attorney learn of any inconsistencies in the record or if the client has had similar complaints in the past. Knowing this information allows the attorney to be proactive in combating the insurance company who will attempt to use this information against the client. Also, it will allow the attorney the opportunity to evaluate whether or not it is necessary to obtain a causation letter from a current treating physician or hire a medical expert to strengthen the case.
Second, a presuit demand helps the attorney put into writing the initial arguments of the case. An insurance adjuster or defense attorney is going to evaluate the case and the arguments. Typically, they will respond by pointing at the weaknesses or holes in the client’s case. This allows the attorney to see the case from a different perspective and prepare for these weaknesses once the case moves into litigation.
Third, a presuit demand establishes a floor for settlement value. The presuit demand allows the attorney and client the opportunity to get the insurance company to put money on the table. So long as the insurance company does not respond with a zero offer, the insurance company should put some monetary amount on the table as an offer to settle the case. The attorney should get as much money on the table for the client to make a decision as to whether they should settle their case or move into litigation. By getting the insurance company to put as much money as possible on the table, the attorney now knows a couple things. First, the attorney knows what the insurance company will pay to settle the case. Second, the attorney gets a sense for what the insurance company thinks about the case based on the offer given presuit. The higher the offer, the more risk the insurance company likely associates with the client’s case.
There are many more reasons why the presuit period is important beyond these three that I have briefly touched upon. If you have more questions about the presuit process, I suggest you discuss it with your attorney. If you do not have representation and have questions about your case, one of our attorneys would be happy to discuss your case with you. As always, our consultations are free and there is no obligation to hire The Nashville Law Firm. We can be reached at 615-844-4034 or you can complete the Free Case Evaluation form to the right and an attorney will call you back immediately
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