Attorney chattanooga tn Biogarphy
Source( T. Bates IV was born and raised in Centerville, Tennessee, graduating from Hickman County High School in 1997. He attended college at the Virginia Military Institute (VMI) in Lexington, Virginia and graduated in 2001 as part of the school’s first ever co-educational class. While at VMI, Bates was a member of the Corps’ Honor Court, whose members preserved the cadet oath to never lie, cheat or steal or tolerate those who do.
Following graduation, Bates was commissioned a 2LT in the field artillery, his grandfather’s branch, in the United States Army and stationed in Baumholder, Germany as part of the 4th BN, 27th FA RGT. From May 2003 until July 2004, Bates served as a platoon leader and battery executive officer in Baghdad and Mahmoudiyah, Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. CPT Bates left active duty service in May of 2005 to enroll at the University of Tennessee College of Law.
Following his graduation from UT’s College of Law in the spring of 2008, Bates then returned home to become the 7th Bates lawyer to practice law in Hickman County, Tennessee. His general practice focuses primarily on family law, criminal defense, and personal injury work. He is married to the former Becki Brellenthin of Chattanooga and they live in Centerville with their daughter. He is an active member of the community, a Sunday School teacher at the Centerville United Methodist Church, a perpetually heartbroken Vanderbilt and Cubs fan, and a creek fisherman.
Except for the 5 years between Connor Bates’s death and Douglas Thompson Bates, II’s, beginning his prewar law practice, there has been a Bates practicing law in Centerville for 141 years. Five of the seven has seen combat in America’s wars. They have all been active in church, lodge, charitable, and civic affairs. They all had lengthy marriages blessed by children. Honor and integrity have been their watchwords for nearly a century and a half.
The Bates & Bates Law Office, though located in Hickman County and in the 21st
Judicial District, serves clients in all Courts throughout MIddle and
Western Tennessee, including Lewis, Perry, Wayne, Maury, Humphreys, Decatur,
Dickson and Williamson Counties.
Attorney Gary Starnes filed qualifying papers Wednesday at the Election Commission, and formally announced his candidacy for General Sessions Court judge of Hamilton County, previously held by Judge Bob Moon.
Attorney Starnes grew up in Hamilton County. He graduated from Lookout Valley High School in 1977, and earned a B.S. degree in education from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in 1981. He has been married to his high school sweetheart, Carol Starnes, for 30 years.
They have three adult children, Lesley, Christina and Bryan Starnes. Their youngest, Bryan, is a senior at Baylor School and president of the student body. They have one grandchild, 18-month-old Avery Garrett Evans.
The Starnes family has lived on Signal Mountain for 16 years, and are members of the Stuart Heights Baptist Church in Hixson.
Attorney Starnes obtained his law degree from the University of Tennessee in 1986, and is licensed to practice law in Tennessee and Georgia. He was with the law firm of Spears, Moore, Rebman, & Williams for six years. In August, 1993, Mr. Starnes started his law firm in Chattanooga, and he handles complex civil cases in all state and federal courts in Tennessee and Georgia. Mr. Starnes has been involved in numerous jury and non-jury trials in Tennessee and Georgia as well as other states. Mr. Starnes is also a Rule 31 Listed General Civil Mediator and Arbitrator in Tennessee and Registered General Civil Mediator & Arbitrator in Georgia.
Mr. Starnes frequently serves as a special judge in the Chattanooga City Courts for Judge Russell Bean and Judge Sherry Paty. Attorney Starnes has served as special judge in the Hamilton County General Sessions Court, the elected office he now seeks.
Attorney Starnes said he is committed to his community, and served as a board member at the local American Red Cross for three years where he was chairman of the audit committee. He participates annually in several community programs at Christmas one of which involves delivering presents to needy families on Christmas Eve. The Starnes family has actively supported the Children’s Advocacy Center, Chambliss Children’s Home, and the Shepherd’s Arms Rescue Mission.
The Starnes family has as a law career history. Attorney Starnes’ father is a retired captain of the local Tennessee Highway Patrol. His brother, Robert Starnes, is a lieutenant with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department.
Our attorneys have extensive experience representing major insurance carriers, self-insured corporations, and third-party administrators at every stage of workers’ compensation litigation in both Tennessee and Georgia, and understand that cost, long- and short-term, is a critical consideration for employers. Learn more about Workers’ Comp.
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Civil Litigation
Simple disputes often enter litigation either because the parties lack sufficient information to negotiate a rational settlement or because judicial action is necessary to resolve an otherwise intractable dispute between the parties. Learn more about Civil Litigation.
H. Franklin Chancey is a founding partner in the law firm of Chancey, Kanavos, Love & Painter which was established in 1994. Since entering the Practice of Law he has engaged in a wide range of practice involving complex Automobile and trucking accidents, Railroad crossing accidents, Medical Malpractice and Daycare liability for Childhood sexual abuse. In addition, Franklin has handled numerous criminal matters involving offenses such as Murder, Child Abuse, Arson, and Assaults. In 1992, Franklin assisted in the trial of an individual apprehended by the Television Program, "Unsolved Mysteries". Franklin's work has resulted in significant changes in the law in the areas of Premises Liability and Government responsibility for injuries to bicyclists. Franklin has one daughter and enjoys snow skiing, college football helping clients in need.
cCracken Poston was born and raised in Catoosa County, Georgia, attending local schools and working for the District Attorney's Office in the four Northwest Georgia counties of the Lookout Mountain Circuit while obtaining his undergraduate degree from U.T. Chattanooga. Afterward, while attending the School of Law at the University of Georgia, Poston served as President of his graduating third-year class.
After passing the Georgia Bar Examination during his third year of law school, Poston spent his first three years as a lawyer working with the Wiggins Law Offices and then as an Assistant District Attorney in the administration of Lookout Mountain Circuit District Attorney David L. "Red" Lomenick. In 1988, Poston qualified to run for the state House of Representatives, and went on to win the primary and general election. After a brief stint with the Offices of Clifton "Skip" Patty, Poston in March of 1989 began the solo law practice that he maintains to date.
During his four terms in the Georgia House of Representatives, Poston championed many causes important to Northwest Georgians, as well as a number of issues of statewide interest. No other legislation is more associated with the former Representative Poston than the "Ethics in Government Act of 1992", which for the first time in Georgia required the registration of lobbyists and the reporting of their expenditures in the effort to influence legislators or legislation. Poston also passed legislation which was signed into law that speeded up the adoption process in state deprivation cases. He also authored laws to clear up legal issues in the criminal conspiracy law and to allow victims of child abuse to legally participate in the investigation and arrest of their suspected perpetrator. Poston also wrote the law to require the posting of pesticide application schedules in state buildings for the benefit of those sensitive to the chemicals used.
In 1996, Poston left the state legislature and ran for the United States Congress. He was the Democratic Nominee in North Georgia's 9th District, but was defeated the general election by the newly party-switched incumbent, Rep. Nathan Deal. Poston's solo law practice was dormant during the year he devoted to the congressional race, but an office-sharing arrangement with local attorneys R. Kevin Silvey and J. Michael Giglio made Poston's transition from public servant to a full-time law practice after the race much easier. The three attorneys, all solo practitioners, share an office building, telephone system, receptionist and a high-school student runner, but otherwise they maintain separate and distinct law offices.
With his exit from elective office, Poston did not end his public service to his community and state. Since 1997, Poston has served as a Juvenile Court Judge for the Lookout Mountain Circuit, primarily in Catoosa County. In this position, Judge Poston is restricted from practicing law in any Juvenile Court in the state of Georgia. Otherwise, Poston is qualified to practice at all other levels of trial and appellate courts in Georgia and Tennessee. He may be admitted in other jurisdictions through pro hac vice admission.
In January, 2005, Poston relocated his law offices to The Lawyers Building at 7713 Nashville Street, Suite C, Ringgold. For the convenience of his Tennessee clients he maintains a Tennessee office (by appointment only) at 707 Georgia Avenue, in downtown Chattanooga.
McCracken Poston resides in Catoosa County and and is active in civic and charitable causes in Northwest Georgia and the Greater Chattanooga area. He has three children, Alina, Mac and Cal
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