Knoxville tn lawyers Biogarphy
Source( Terry Sanford was born in Knoxville on July 23, 1865 to Edward Jackson and Emma Chavannes Sanford. His father moved to Knoxville in 1853 from Connecticut where he began work as a carpenter. He fell in love with the city and soon went from laborer to contractor and partner in a lumber firm. During the cholera epidemic in 1854, when others fled the city in droves, Sanford stayed behind at great risk to himself to care for the sick and help bury the dead.
In 1860, he met Emma Chavannes and married. When the Confederates seized Knoxville, Sanford fled to Kentucky to join the Union Army, but was rejected and returned to his home town in Connecticut to recover from an illness. When Union Gen. Burnside took Knoxville, however, Sanford returned where he did join the Union Army and went on to fight at Fort Sanders in the Battle of Knoxville.
The post war economy of Knoxville allowed Sanford to extend his business interests in the city. In 1864, he organized the drug firm of E. J. Sanford and Company and saw it grow into a formidable company.
His investments, which were many in the city, led to a good financial position for his family and allowed him to see that his children received a good education. In 1872, Sanford saw an opportunity to increase his business by merging his firm with the Albers and Chamberlain Drug Company. The business changed its name to Sanford, Chamberlain and Albers and quickly grew to become one of the leading drug companies in the industry.
As Edward Sanford matured, his parents discovered, in addition to his robust love of the outdoors, that their son also had an unusual concentration upon his studies and excelled in history and politics. Following his graduation from school, he went on to attend the University of Tennessee and, following graduation there, was admitted to Harvard, where he received the B.A., M.A. and his law degree.
When he left Harvard, Sanford spent a year in traveling the countryside in Europe and continuing his education. He returned to Knoxville and was admitted to the Bar in 1888.
A year later he began what would be an 18-year-long career with the law firm Lucky, Sanford, and Fowler. Sanford proved himself to be more than capable as a lawyer and began earning a reputation for himself. In addition, he continued his studies of history and started becoming active in local politics. In 1891, he married Lutie Woodruff, who was the daughter of wealthy Knoxville merchant W.W. Woodruff. Both Sanford and his wife made their home in Knoxville and, in addition to his other duties, Sanford was elected as President of the U.T. Alumni Association. He served in that position for a year and was chosen as the Alumni and University orator to deliver the University’s Centennial Address. He gave a history "Blount College and the University of Tennessee", which traced the evolution of the school from its beginning. The speech so impressed the University’s officials that they published it.Sanford always maintained close ties with the University. He acted as a lecturer of law for the University and was made a trustee of the institution in 1897.
Sanford, like his father, involved himself in numerous civic activities and became a leading member of the community. He belonged to the Tennessee Historical Society,was a trustee of Lawson McGhee library, and president of the Bar Association of Tennessee as well as an active contributor to the published proceedings of the organization. In June 1900, he also took over his father’s position as trustee of the East Tennessee Female Institute, who had stepped down and was starting to retire from business.
Sanford’s work as a lawyer and his political contributions to the Republican Party also started gaining him national attention.
In 1907, then-President Theodore Roosevelt appointed Sanford as a United States District Attorney. After about a year of service, he was appointed Judge of the United States District Court for middle and eastern districts of Tennessee. For the next 15 years, Judge Sanford distinguished himself on the bench and started becoming a major influence in state politics and the Republican Party.
During this time, he and his wife also began raising a family. His wife Lutie gave birth to two daughters named Dorothy and Anna McGhee Sanford and, despite Sanford’s demanding schedule, the two were devoted parents. Judge Sanford shared his father’s belief in education and worked to ensure that good educational opportunities were available for Tennessee.
In 1909, Sanford took on the responsibility of being trustee of the George Peabody College for Teachers in Nashville. When World War I started, Judge Sanford maintained his rigorous schedule on the bench, but also served in a variety of civic capacities helping Tennessee through numerous causes on the homefront during the crisis.His work in the community as well as on the bench soon brought him to the attention of some major players in Washington, D.C.
Following the election of President Warren G. Harding, a position opened on the United States Supreme Court. Chief Justice and former President William Howard Taft joined the lobbying efforts of Attorney General Harry Daugherty to get the President to appoint the Tennessean to the bench. Sanford’s experience in the lower courts and his cosmopolitan education impressed the President. In addition, Sanford was a Southern Republican and it was through the South’s support in the previous campaign that Harding had won election to the presidency.
While his administration would be later eclipsed in the Tea Pot Dome scandal, President Harding accepted the advice of Daugherty and Taft and nominated Edward T. Sanford as an Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1923, which was approved by the Congress.
When Sanford took the bench and was sworn in on Feb. 19, 1923, he immediately found the tasks in front of him to be extremely challenging, but the Tennessean threw himself into his work and soon became one of the most respected members of the bench.
The Supreme Court under the leadership of William H. Taft, who had also been nominated to the position by President Harding, was regarded as one of the most conservative in U.S History. Taft believed in team work on the bench and did not appreciate much dissent, especially those involving long explanatory footnotes, which often put him at odds with Justice Brandeis. He was, however, one of the most dynamic leaders and reformers of the Supreme Court. Taft worked and lobbied informally for passage of the Judiciary Act of 1925, which gave Justices the ability to choose their own docket and decide which cases it would hear. Until that time, the Court had no say in the matter and could be easily manipulated away from important Constitutional cases. His work in the area was paramount to ensuring, in his term at least, that the sanctity and inviolability of judicial decisions from his court be unimpaired.
While other justices on the bench sometimes eclipsed the Tennessean’s activities, Justice Sanford’s greatest impact on American Constitutional law came in the area of civil liberties and freedom of speech and the press. During the eras surrounding World War I, a number of questionable laws had been passed and many citizens imprisoned in the interest of "national security" under then-President Woodrow Wilson, which left a lot of questions unanswered regarding freedom of speech and other civil rights.
Before President Harding’s administration became embroiled in scandal, he had cleared American cells of most of World War I’s political prisoners by giving the people presidential pardons. While it resolved individual cases, the laws under which they had been convicted had been more than questionable and allowed states to establish dangerous precedents that seemed counter to the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights. State Attorneys General wanted decisions from the Supreme Court on the laws and Justice Sanford found himself in a very active and sometimes controversial role on the bench. His greatest judicial work would be on what is known as the "incorporation doctrine".
The guarantees of the Bill of Rights originally applied only on the federal level. The controversy leading to the War Between the States demonstrated that all states did not guarantee personal fundamental liberties and many issues surrounding it had remained unresolved. As American entered the 20th century and started taking a leadership role in world affairs that brought the nation into World War I and other international crisis, many Americans loudly protested the involvement, which led to states passing repressive laws that infringed on the Bill of Rights’ personal guarantees. Many of the laws were directed at newspapers and other media outlets, who editorialized against U.S. involvement over seas. Some publishers had been arrested on charges of sedition and treason resulting from the passage of certain state laws and no case had ever been tried beyond the lower courts.
While the Fourteenth Amendment was generally thought to have supposedly ended such situations in its assertion of fundamental liberties through due process, there was no concrete ruling that established it as such and attorneys, arguing for their respective states, could easily evade it in court.
In a series of cases, Justice Sanford and the Supreme Court decided to issue a number of decisions where the Court would have to balance both state and national police powers against individual rights of citizens.
Sanford first articulated the "incorporation doctrine" in two major cases. In the 1925 Gitlow vs. New York case concerning freedom of speech and the press, Sanford wrote in his decision.
"The First Amendment’s freedom of speech and press were fundamental to personal liberty and protected from state infringement."
While the First Amendment had been a part of the Bill of Rights since its adoption in 1791, the 1925 case was the first ruling in history that established the rule free expression was protected under the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment’s "Due Process clause".
Although the decision would uphold the publisher’s conviction, who had been arrested and convicted for publishing statements calling for the violent overthrow of the government, Sanford’s statement had a major significance in regards to the interpretation of the First Amendment and how it would be applied in future cases.
The Justice would later invoke the Fourteenth Amendment again in the 1927 case Fiske vs. Kansas, where he spoke for the court and stated:
"I uphold the defense invoking the Fourteenth Amendment to guarantee the federal right of free speech against a state criminal anarchy statute."
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