Lawyers in chattanooga tn Biogarphy
Source( slip and fall can be a minor embarrassment or a major incident. If you are the victim of a slip and fall in Chattanooga that was the fault of an individual, business, or government entity, Lawyers Group can help you find a qualified Chattanooga slip and fall lawyer. A trained Chattanooga slip and fall attorney knows this complex area of law and can get you the money you deserve.
Chattanooga Slip and Fall Attorney
While some slip and falls are minor, some can involve very serious injuries, such as traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones and permanent scarring. A skilled Chattanooga slip and fall attorney from Lawyers Group can pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and your pain and suffering.
If you or someone you love has been hurt because of the action or inaction of another party, you need an expert Chattanooga slip and fall lawyer to take over all aspects of your case.
Hire a trained Chattanooga Slip and Fall Attorney
Think insurance companies will offer a fair settlement? Think again. They are interested in their "bottom line," and paying out large settlements decreases their profits. A qualified Chattanooga slip and fall attorney from Lawyers Group will give you a much more accurate range to expect from your specific slip and fall injury.
Can you afford to hire a good Chattanooga slip and fall lawyer? You can't afford not to. Most victims end up with more money if they hire an attorney, even after legal fees. And almost all Chattanooga slip and attorneys take contingency cases, so you only pay legal fees out of the award or settlement they win for you.
An expert Chattanooga Slip and Fall Injury Lawyer Can Help
During our 20+ year history, Lawyers Group has helped over 1,000,000 victims. Let us help you, too. Our services are free, as is your initial consultation with a qualified Chattanooga slip and fall lawyer.
Call 1-800-948-1080, or fill out the simple form on the right to consult with one of the Chattanooga slip and fall lawyers today.
Just fill out the simple form on the right to contact an atto
Chattanooga attorney, Sam Quattrochi, has practiced family law in the courts of East Tennessee since 2006. He started his practice as a domestic violence attorney with Legal Aid of East Tennessee serving clients over a 14 county service area. In 2008, Sam joined the law firm of Fleissner, Davis and Johnson where he represented
clients in civil lawsuits, all the while maintaining his family law practice. After four years, Sam left the
Fleissner firm and ventured out on his own. Sam's primary area of practice continues to be domestic law. In addition, he is interested in cases that involve education issues, church law, and other civil litigation matters.
In December 2012, Sam moved his practice into a shared office space arrangement with Cavett & Abbott, PLLC. Sam continues to maintain his own practice there. In addition, he assists Cavett & Abbott on cases. You can check out Cavett & Abbott at their site:
Sam is a native of Chattanooga where he graduated from Hixson High School. He earned a bachelor's degree from Auburn University in Religious Studies. He then attended the University of Iowa where he earned his law degree and a Master's degree in Higher work, Sam has a variety of interests. He is an elder and staff member at First Cumberland Presbyterian Church, where he has initiated a history project exploring the 170+ year history of that congregation. Sam is also a bicycling enthusiast participating in several century rides over the past few years.
How can we help you?
If you need help with a legal issue, Sam is ready to talk with you. Please call, text, or email to set up an appointment. We are willing to work around your schedule to accommodate your needs. We can be flexible with payment arrangements, including taking credit cards.
Licensed in Tennessee
The information on this website is not, nor is it intended to be legal advice. If you are in need of legal advice, you should consult with an attorney. We are happy to discuss your individual case with you. Please call, text, or email in order to set an appointment.
Assisted with civil litigation on a contract basis. Primarily research & writing for insurance defense clients, appellate work, and Section 1983 lawsuit defense.
Successfully represented indigent clients in Knox County Sessions Housing Court, DUI Sessions Court, and Juvenile Court on misdemeanor and felony charges. Managed caseload, with supervision, from initial interviews to conclusion of cases. Interviewed clients & witnesses, evaluated controlling law, then proposed and implemented litigation strategies and plans for each case; Negotiated with Assistant District Attorney General and/or Knoxville Housing Authority to obtain best possible outcome for each client. Utilized NEEDLES case management software.
University of Tennessee Legal Clinic (August 2008-February 2009) Knoxville, Tennessee
Performed duties of summer associate. Conducted legal research and drafted memoranda for cases on various areas of law including insurance defense, labor arbitration, bankruptcy, and medical malpractice defense, among others; attended hearings and depositions
Research Assistant/Intern. Conducted research and drafted memoranda for felony cases prosecuted by D.A., primarily DUI prosecutor James Woods. Observed felony and misdemeanor trials, plea negotiations & law enforcement seminars.
Researched and drafted seminar materials for Tennessee Bar Association’s C.L.E. on health law and presented by Professor Carol Mutter in 2007 & 2009; Researched and prepared CLE materials on Tennessee insurance law; served as research assistant during 2L & 3L academic years as needed.
Summer Assoc. Spears, Moore, Rebman, &Williams (May 2008-June 2008) Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Hamilton County District Attorney (June 2008-August 2009) Chattanooga, Tennessee
Graduate Research Assistant for Professor Carol Mutter (August 2007-October 2009) Knoxville, Tennessee
Law License: Supreme Court of Tennessee, December 2009. Admitted to the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Tennessee, May 2010. Sixth Circuit admission applied for. Will sit for the Georgia bar exam in February, 2010.
Organizations: Member of: American, Tennessee, and Chattanooga Bar Associations; American Inn of Court, Brock-Cooper Chapter;
Family law encompasses many different matters. The most common needs in this area are divorce and child custody cases. We also help clients with child support, legitimation and paternity, adoption, termination of parental rights, antenuptial agreements, and grandparent visitation rights.
review—your lawyer knows exactly under what circumstances an appeal is appropriate and likely to be successful. Your lawyer will file your appeal online, so it can be quickly received and processed by Social Security.
Prepare your file for a hearing – your lawyer will obtain a copy of your Social Security file and carefully go over all evidence for completion and accuracy. Next, your social security lawyer will order, review, and submit any missing or updated records. Most importantly your lawyer will use his expertise to develop the theory of your case. He will write a comprehensive pre-hearing brief summarizing the history of your claim, describing your medical conditions and treatment, and explaining to the judge why you meet the definition of disability. Most of our hearings are very short because the lawyer prepares extensively in advance and the judge knows the facts, issues, and argument before the claimant and lawyer enter the courtroom.
Help you get ready to testify at a hearing your lawyer will meet with you prior to the day of your hearing to go over any questions the lawyer or judge may ask you on the day of your hearing
Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013
Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013
Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013

Lawyers in chattanooga tn Wallpaper Photos Pictures Pics Images 2013
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