Asbestosis symptoms Biogarphy
Source( are different types of asbestos related disease and each condition varies in severity. The conditions include Pleural Plaques, Pleural Thickening, Mesothelioma, Lung Cancer and Asbestosis. Asbestosis is sometimes misused as a general term for any asbestos related disease or asbestos related illness. It is very important to establish from the outset which asbestos related illness has been diagnosed.
Exposure to asbestos fibres has been recognised as an occupational health hazard since the early 1900s. As well as those who have been exposed to asbestos at work, family members and others living with anyone employed in an asbestos contaminated workplace may have an increased risk of developing the fatal asbestos related cancer, mesothelioma. This risk arises from exposure to asbestos dust brought home on the clothing and hair of workers who have been exposed to asbestos.
The first compensation claims against asbestos manufacturers were in 1929. Since then, many compensation claims have been made against asbestos manufacturers and employers for failing to implement safety measures as soon as the link between asbestos exposure and diseases such as asbestosis and mesothelioma became known.
Regardless of which asbestos related condition has been diagnosed, if it can be proven that it was caused by exposure to asbestos by a negligent party, then (with the exception of pleural plaques) it may be possible to make a personal injury claim for compensation. A recent House of Lords decision means pleural plaques are no longer compensatable. However; if you, or any member of your family, has been diagnosed with pleural plaques, you should still contact Thompsons Solicitors for expert advice.
When a person with mesothelioma, or their family, claims compensation a claim can also be
made for the cost of the care provided by the hospice. Read how mesothelioma patients could help the hospice. Click on the following link to view as a PDF.
Making a Personal Injury Compensation Claim for an asbestos related illness
The procedure when making a claim for an asbestos related disease
In the United Kingdom a personal injury compensation claim for an asbestos related disease must be started within three years from the date when the person suffering the condition became aware of the diagnosis. In fatal cases the claim must be commenced within three years of the date of death, or within three years from the date the deceased’s family became aware that the cause of death was due to asbestos if asbestos exposure was only discovered to be a relevant factor after the death, for example as a result of a post mortem examination or Coroner's Inquest. It is important that legal advice about making a claim is sought without delay.
Once you have decided to instruct a personal injury solicitor to act for you they will investigate whether the employer responsible for the asbestos exposure still exists or whether the insurers can be traced. If it is possible to pursue a claim it will also be necessary to investigate the medical issues and obtain evidence to assess and prove the potential value of the claim.
At Thompsons our expert asbestos solicitors have assembled an extensive database containing information about previous asbestos claims and details of employers liability insurers for companies which are no longer trading. The contents of this archive is based on information obtained from thousands of successful industrial disease claims over the last 30 years. Having access to this wealth of background information assists us to investigate and pursue cases for clients suffering from asbestos related disease.
Choosing the right firm of solicitors who have the necessary specialist expertise to deal with asbestos related disease claims is probably the most important decision any client can take. Thompsons Solicitors has unrivalled experience in this important and complex area of personal injury law.
Our Asbestos Disease Claim Clients
Details of real cases Thompsons' asbestos solicitors have helped with
Philip Gibbon
Our asbestos solicitors recovered a six figure sum in mesothelioma compensation for the family of Mr Philip Gibbon who died in January 2005 as a result of mesothelioma, an asbestos related disease. Mr Gibbon developed the disease whilst working as a shop fitter and joiner for William Nicholson & Son (Leeds) Limited and William Nicholson and Son Limited between 1966 and 1974.
Mr Gibbon worked in a factory where asbestos sheets were cut using a machine saw. The process caused asbestos fibres and asbestos dust to rise up into the atmosphere and into the breathing zone of Mr Gibbon. He was not provided with any respiratory protection and as a result was exposed to asbestos dust which resulted in his illness.
His wife, Mrs Margaret Gibbon said: "Philip died at the age of 60 at a time when he should have been looking forward to the remainder of his life. Instead he endured terrible illness for a year, suffering chest pains, debility and the need to depend on me and others. Nothing can bring back my husband, but people do need to be aware that this disease is a major killer and many more cases of it exist because of poor working conditions and the poor protection of employees. If families are in the same situation, they should seek support and help as soon as they can."
Mr Harrison
Mr Harrison was exposed to asbestos from 1950's until 1990's by different employers and went on to develop Pleural Plaques and Pleural Thickening - both asbestos-related conditions.
With the help of our expert asbestos solicitors he has received £10,000 compensation now with the provision to make a further claim in the future if his condition deteriorates and he develops a more serious asbestos-related illness / asbestos related disease.
To read Mr Harrison's comments on the service he received from Thompsons' asbestos solicitors, visit our Asbestos Related Illness Claims Letters of Thanks section.
Mr Selby
With help from Thompsons' asbestos solicitors, a widow has recently been awarded £85,000 mesothelioma compensation on behalf of her husband who died after contracting an asbestos related disease.
Mrs Selby's husband contracted asbestosis and the fatal condition, mesothelioma as a result of working with asbestos many years before.
To read Mrs Selby's comments about the service she received from our asbestos solicitors visit our Asbestos Related Illness Claims Letters of Thanks section.
Thank you letters from our clients
Extracts from letters received from clients our asbestos solicitors have helped
The following are extracts from letters our asbestos solicitors have received from clients. In some cases the letters have been written by the person suffering from an asbestos related illness and in other cases the letter has been written by a relative as the person affected by the asbestos related disease / asbestos related illness has already died.
I am writing to you on behalf of my Mum to sincerely thank you for all the help and support you have given to us whilst pursuing the case against my Dad’s former employers. You were very gracious to my Dad when you visited him and patient with me, whilst I wrote up the background from feedback from my Dad when he was too ill to give the information to you all at once. You have kept us fully informed throughout – and we have appreciated these letters. When my Dad found out he was suffering from Mesothelioma he was extremely brave and didn’t think of himself – only my Mum. He wanted to pursue a case for compensation for her sake – so that she would have some financial support when he was no longer there. We were surprised at the size of the settlement (we didn’t dare hope for as much), but the amount means that my Mum can buy her own house and live comfortably for the rest of her life. It was always my Dad’s dream to buy his own house – but for a combination of factors, it was never possible to do so. It is wonderful to think that his dream can now be fulfilled.
You recently obtained a substantial compensation payment awarded to me from ICI which will ensure my remaining years are comfortable and secure. It was important to me and my family that ICI finally accepted responsibility for the death of my beloved husband, who died of Mesothelioma. I would like to thank you and your team most sincerely for your hard work and commitment to the cause of people affected by this terrible disease after being in contact with asbestos.
I thought I would write a letter of thanks to you after receiving the latest cheque you sent me. I greatly appreciate all you did in the way you dealt with Bill’s claim, I couldn’t have wished for better care and consideration you gave to Bill and me and I’m only very sorry that my beloved husband isn’t here to thank you and all your staff himself.
With reference regarding final settlement for my compensation, I wish to express my sincere gratitude for your invaluable help and advice. Not having any previous experience with Solicitors, I sought help from an Asbestos Support Group who immediately put me in touch with your firm. Thompsons Solicitors have proved to be specialists in this field. As you know I was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in February 2004 and cannot explain my feelings at that time, now I can rest assured knowing my wife and family will be supported financially in the future, thanks to your speedy and efficiency handling of my case.
I thank you and your staff for handling my case for asbestosis in the very highest level. You have kept me fully informed and promptly dealt with all correspondence in a fast and efficient way. I am highly delighted with the speedy results and the cheque I received so quickly. May I send my praises to you and your staff.
On behalf of my family and myself, I want to thank you and your staff for bringing successfully to an end, the case for my late husband. I will be writing to the Widnes and Runcorn asbestos support group and also St Rocco's Hospice (Warrington) to tell them how pleased we have been with your firm.
This is a little card to you to say such a big thank you for all the hard dedicated work you have done for me and the family during these years since we lost (husband's name removed at widow's request). It has not just been a friendly informed voice on the telephone but a dedicated person, so easy to talk to.
We cannot praise you enough for all the work you have done on our behalf. Your kind and caring attitude to us was a great comfort. Even if the outcome of this claim had not succeeded we are happy to have known you and we thank you most sincerely. We just wish it had been in happier circumstances.
On behalf of my father and the rest of my family, I would like to express our grateful thanks for the professional and sensitive way my father's case was handled. The speedy and successful outcome was way beyond all our hopes at the beginning and it has certainly helped us all come to terms with the situation my father found himself in. My father has no objection whatsoever for his case to be used for publicity purposes if it will help anybody who finds himself or herself in the same position. Once again many thanks.
My husband, the late Alfred David Hines died in April 2005 from Mesothelioma, a disease caused through working unprotected with asbestos. My son contacted the Amicus Trade Union who supported my case for compensation throughout.
The case reached Liverpool County Court on Jan 4th 2007, and I am pleased to say the case was won.
I would like to thank Amicus sincerely for their help and support during this difficult period, and for appointing Matthew Tollitt of Thompsons Solicitors (Liverpool) and the barrister who represented me at court. Mr Tollitt worked hard to bring about this result, I am indebted to him, and to my husband’s fellow trade union members for statements made in support of my case.
You have dealt with the whole case with such care and consideration to the way we were feeling that your duties as a solicitor far exceeded the service we expected, you obviously care a great deal for the people you represent and feel very passionately about the work you do. My Dad turned sixty five at Christmas and the money we have received should have gone a long way to seeing him enjoy his retirement and the time he had left with us, sadly that was not to be, but the money will be used wisely in carrying out his final wishes. The day I picked up the phone and called Thompsons, I was so glad that you were the person who dealt with my dad’s case. You are truly a credit to your firm and more people like you are needed to fight for people who have and are suffering through no fault of their own.
May I and my family thank Thompsons Solicitors ... for acting on my behalf on my asbestos litigation claim. ... Thompsons Solicitors have a team to represent asbestos claimants and your representation and hard work on my behalf has been very assuring. When giving advice and guidance you did so in a calm and professional manner and it was taken on board. I believe you are a credit to your profession and one can see why Thompsons Solicitors are held in such high regard. May I end by thanking Thompsons Solicitors ... for the successful outcome of my asbestos litigation claim.
May I convey my utmost thanks and appreciation for all the hard work you have been engaged in ... on my behalf. It has been quite a long haul with the successful completion being £5,000 paid into my bank account by the Ministry of Justice. Further I wish you all the very best with your careers wherever they take you.
Asbestos Exposure Compensation Advice
How to obtain expert advice about starting a claim for an asbestos related disease
If you or someone you know believes that their working conditions have caused them to develop an asbestos related disease / asbestos related illness, telephone us now for asbestos exposure compensation advice from an expert asbestos solicitor.
There are strict time limits in place to make any injury claim. For further information, contact us or visit our Questions Answered page.
Thompsons' asbestos solicitors are expert in dealing with claims for asbestos related illnesses and we will be able to advise you whether or not you have a valid claim for compensation. Our specialist personal injury solicitors will be happy to talk you through the process of making a claim in plain English and will be happy to answer any questions or queries you may have. Telephone us now on 08000 224 224 or complete one of our online personal injury compensation claim forms.
News on asbestos issues
Recent News Stories Published about asbestos
Over the years Thompsons' asbestos solicitors have helped many people suffering from asbestos related illnesses to fight for justice and claim the compensation they deserve. We have also fought with Trade Unions and the families of people affected by asbestos to change unfair laws.
We have published important stories within the News Desk section of our website and links to a selection ofthese can be found on our Asbestos Disease News page.
Asbestos Disease Claim Contacts
Organisations providing further advice regarding asbestos
The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) - The information on this website will be of particular interest to employers, asbestos contractors and others with duties under asbestos regulations, together with those workers currently at greatest risk from exposure to asbestos.
The Asbestos Removal Contractors Association (ARCA) - is a non-profit trade association committed to promoting the growth and image of the UK’s asbestos abatement industry. ARCA is committed to working with enforcing authorities and member companies to strive for continuous improvement in standards, quality, safety and efficiency.
Cancer Research UK - provide a free information service about cancer and cancer care for people with cancer and their families. We believe that information about cancer should be freely available to all and written in a way that people can easily understand.
The British Lung Foundation - One person in seven in the UK is affected by a lung disease. Whether it's mild asthma or lung cancer, the British Lung Foundation is here for every one of them.
Directgov - General information about what to do if you find asbestos in your home and how to apply for an asbestos inspection.
The TUC / HSE have published a brief guide on asbestos and the regulations. It contains advice about what to do if you discover asbestos in your workplace.To read information leaflets Thompsons have published about asbestos claims, visit 'Asbestos and Mesothelioma: An introduction to claiming compensation' and 'Asbestos related diseases
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