Mesothelioma asbestosis Biogarphy
Source( is now well-known that asbestos is a deadly mineral that can cause mesothelioma, asbestosis, and other deadly illnesses in those who are exposed to it. However, for centuries asbestos was lauded as a miracle mineral and was used in countless products because of its ability to act as a fire retardant.
Even after countless instances in which people who regularly used asbestos products passed away from lung illnesses, the first official case of “asbestosis” was not documented until 1924. Even as asbestos companies began to learn about the dangers of asbestos exposure, many of them withheld the information from employees and the public, leading to widespread asbestos exposure that sickened many unknowing individuals.
The first major asbestos lawsuit in which an asbestos victim was awarded compensation by an asbestos manufacturer took place in 1973. While asbestos has since been banned in some countries, it is still currently legal to use asbestos products in the United States.
For more information on the history of asbestos – from it initially being mined in Greece as early as 5000 BC to it being touted as a “magic mineral” at the 1939 New York World’s Fair to the sad legacy of pain and suffering associated with it today – check out our infographic documenting “The History of Asbestos.”
Cited From: The History of Asbestos Infographic | Sokolove Law
In 1969, the first successful mesothelioma lawsuit was filed, recognizing a manufacturer’s duty to warn workers of the health risks of dealing with asbestos.
First asbestos lawsuit filed
In that case, Clarence Borel filed a claim against several asbestos manufacturers after he received a mesothelioma diagnosis. The court’s opinion extended strict product liability to asbestos diseases caused by the use of this once commonly used product .
Thousands of asbestos lawsuits followed in the next decade, and injuries caused by exposure to the deadly mineral became the nation’s largest area of product liability litigation.
Johns-Manville goes bust
In 1982, the Johns-Manville Corporation became the largest American company ever to file for bankruptcy after court documents proved that it had a history of hiding evidence that associated asbestos exposure to mesothelioma symptoms.
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James Cavvett, a retired boilermaker who was dying from lung cancer brought on by his exposure to asbestos while working for Johns-Manville, was awarded a record $2.3 million in compensation and $1.5 million in punitive damages. Johns-Manville faced another 16,500 mesothelioma lawsuits.
A jury awarded plaintiffs $130 million in 2001 after finding Dresser Industries negligent of failing to provide proper warnings of asbestos exposure to its employees. All five of the Alabama plaintiffs were diagnosed with asbestosis, and two died of lung cancer after years of working with asbestos and asbestos by-products in the piping industry.
Learn more info about the detail of a mesothelioma cas
Touted as a miracle substance to an unsuspecting public, asbestos has been used in thousands of products and in numerous workplaces. Although the harm caused by asbestos is not apparent at first, asbestos exposure can lead to serious, debilitating, and often fatal diseases. These include mesothelioma, asbestos lung cancer, and asbestosis. Usually, a period of 10 to 40 years or more passes before the asbestos victim exhibits the first asbestos disease symptoms. In the workplace, there is no “safe” level of asbestos exposure.
Asbestos Exposure Risk High in Many Occupations
high risk occupationsHigh asbestos exposure is associated with many occupational settings including construction sites, shipyards, boiler and furnace maintenance, railroads, manufacturing plants, auto repair shops, and mines. Potential asbestos exposure can also occur at schools, homes and public buildings if asbestos products have fallen into disrepair or become damaged. Even some unpaved roads may be covered with asbestos–containing serpentine. Asbestos can also become an environmental hazard (see the description of life in Libby, Montana).
Learning About Mesothelioma and Asbestos Disease
asbestos health issuesYour best defense against asbestos is to learn more about it. This site is designed both for educational purposes and as an aid to asbestos victims. It provides asbestos resources, explains how to identify different types of asbestos, and discusses asbestos exposure problems and the risk of contracting an asbestos disease such as mesothelioma.
Have You Been Exposed to Asbestos?
asbestos exposure risksExposure to asbestos and related asbestos diseases pose serious risks to your health. Located in California, Brayton Purcell's asbestos attorneys have been fighting for the legal rights of asbestos victims for over 24 years. If you would like to request more information about how our asbestos attorneys can help you, you may contact us or call 1-800–361–0315.
Asbestos exposure at a job site is a major health problem. Your chance of getting an asbestos–related disease depends on certain conditions called risk factors. The first risk factor is how much asbestos was in the air you breathed, or the “concentration.” The second risk factor is the cumulative length of all exposures or “duration.” The asbestos disease risk factors of concentration and duration establish a person's “dose”, which is a combination of concentration and duration.
Asbestos diseases follow a “dose–response” relationship curve. This means that the more asbestos you inhale (dose), the greater your risk of contracting an asbestos–related disease.
Generally, your risk of getting sick increases with each dose. For example, if a person worked around asbestos for 5 years and someone else worked in the same job for 15 years and had an equal concentration of exposure, the person with 15 years of asbestos exposure has higher cumulative dose and therefore higher risk. However, either, neither or both may become ill from that exposure depending on a given person’s own susceptibility to asbestos. Cigarette smoking is one factor that increases susceptibility to asbestos disease.
Latency Period for Asbestos Disease
If you do develop an asbestos–related disease, you will probably not show any symptoms until many years after you have been first exposed. The time from first exposure to the discovery of illness (symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pain and chronic fatigue) is called the latency periodThe shortest latency period for asbestosis is 5 to 10 years, although often it takes 40 or more years from first exposure before the disease is diagnosed. There is no maximum latency or time when the risk of developing asbestos–related disease disappears because the asbestos fibers that can cause disease remain trapped in the lungs for life. Also, there is no “safe” level of exposure to asbestos; even minimal levels may cause asbestos disease.
Occupations Posing Asbestos Dangers
Workers in the building, construction, shipbuilding, railroad, and automotive industries who have been exposed to asbestos are at particularly high risk for developing asbestos diseases such as asbestosis, asbestos pleural disease, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. Any exposure to asbestos increases a person’s chance of contracting mesothelioma.
Even family members of workers exposed to asbestos face an increased risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos–related diseases due to contact with asbestos dust brought into the home on the workers’ shoes, clothing, skin, or hair. This phenomena has been studied extensively by Irving J. Selikoff, M.D. of the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York, who reported increased disease levels among families of asbestos factory workers in the 1970’s.
Sadly, potential exposure to asbestos does not end at the workplace or the worker’s home. It also occurs in schools, homes and public buildings when asbestos products have fallen into disrepair or become damaged. For example, asbestos insulation around pipes may deteriorate, allowing deadly dust to enter the air. Asbestos in ceiling tiles and numerous other building materials may become damaged when disturbed or repaired.
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